Chapter 4

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"Fayyyyyyeeeeeeeeee" my mom screamed untill I got up. I was so tired and didn't want to do anything at all. I walked into the bathroom relieved my bladder, brushed my teeth and left. I looked into my dresser and couldn't find anything I wanted to wear. I used to wear boyish clothes because my old bestfriend always did and when I got closer to Kendall my wardrobe changed slowly. Now my mom is slowly buying the clothes I like, but we are not exactly there yet. I just put on skinny jeans which took a million years to put on and then a plain t-shirt. I didn't really care because I was so tired so I just slipped a hoodie on too. My dad dropped me off to my bus stop saying my "lipstick" was too slutty. " Actually it's a Chapstick, and mom bought it cause she had a coupon for it soooo." " Yeah sure, go your bus is here, have a good day bye." I walk over to the stop and I stare at an 8 grader because he was wearing shorts and no jacket and it was probably 20 degrees. I hop on the bus which is late as usual and go to my seat in the back. We drive to the second bus stop where quite a few people get on, including Adrianna. She gets on with her dark brown hair is in a bun with two curled strands on wait her side of her face lay. When we got to the last bus stop Kendall got on and sat ahead of Adrianna and me. When we get to the front I see Austin parking his car and a few other girls next to him flirting. He tried to brush past them and the girls just go in front of them. After that I couldnt see because another bus came. Adrianna, Kendall and I walked into hell- West Side High. The bell was about to ring so they all rushed to my locker, the morning routine. We were just talking and then Linda came too with a large cup of Starbucks. " Wow, Linda why do you need that much coffee?" Kendall said. " I was studying last night and couldn't get sleep because I still don't understand this unit." "Same here" Adrianna said with a very puzzled look. " Linda you said you understood it in class when Ms. Decastro asked. Didn't you?" " Yea I did but I don't mean everything I say jeez" " Well I guess we know who's not gonna do so well on that test huh?" Adrianna said trying to make a joke. The bell rang and Austin quickly came by and kissed my cheek. "Meet me at the library during 4th period, k?""k" I said back. I headed to English with Adrianna and Kendall, the only class we have together.That class ended fast thankfully but today Christian just couldn't stop staring. he sat across the room from me and every time I looked up his eyes where on me. He was short, annoying, nerdy and a wanna be. He grew out his hair to do the Justin Beiber flip which just makes him look even more stupid. The next two periods were a breeze- science and gym. When I was heading to the library to meet Austin, Jalen tripped me and made me drop my books. Surpirsingly Hayes stopped kissing Kendall and pushed Jalen to lay off. Jalen thought he was cool and tuff but he really wwasn't. I thanked Hayes and Kendall for helping me get my stuff. "Hey Faye, do me a scor and stay out of the corners in the library." "Kendall really you're telling me? The girl who had her tongue down a guys throat. Whatever see you at lunch!"

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