Chapter 1

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Running away into the woods not knowing what will happen next, I try to wipe off all the blood that was left on my hands and try to run as fast as I can. I eventually figure my way through Loadsville's woods but before I could make it out I stumble over tree roots. Before I could get up I it came for me and then all of a sudden...


1 year later Layla's body was found an hour and a half hours away where she was murdered. She had a cut on her throat which probably killed her, bruises and scratches everywhere but she was also stabbed in the heart. No ones knows what happened to her but one person, her KILLER!

INFO: This is just some information that you need to know about the character you'll be pretending to be. She's 1.6 metres high, chestnut coloured hair, green eyes and her name is Melanie (Mel for short)

Not knowing what happen last night I get up and do my normal morning routine. I enter the bathroom, put my contacts in, take my retainer out and prepare my hair to be straightened. I open the cupboard to grab my hair straightener is and there's a note. I grab the note to read it. In blood it says I know what you did on the 13th of October. I drop my hair straightener on my foot and I scream in pain. My mum comes rushing upstairs to my ensuite and I scrunch up the note. She says "what's wrong?" Nervously I say "it's nothing." "Ok" she says as she leaves the bathroom. I un scrunch the note and I realise that there's something on the back. It's says "see you at school bitch."


I arrive at school and nervously head straight to my locker. Someone taps me on the shoulder and I jump. It's just Tili (one of my best friends). She says "why did you get so scared? You never jump when I tap your shoulder." I reply with just "I'm really tired because I was up all night studying." "Ok" Tili said confused.


See ya I say to Tili. Heading to English (The worst subject ever with the worst teacher) I trip over a step, drop all my books and hit someone in the head. Ouch! Oops sorry. A new guy replies with "it's ok." I look up and see his amazing eyes. I stare for a while and I here a noise which distracts both me and the new guy.

We pick up our books that we dropped and head to the 2 last seats which were right next to each other. I found that this was an opportunity to meet someone new. I introduce my self. "Hi, I'm Melanie but you can call me Mel." Ecstatically he replies. "I'm Jake." My heart drops as he says his name. In my head I say to my self that I think I might like him.

Sitting with my arm on the table with my hand under my chin, I day dream about Jake and I holding hands on a remote beach with a romantic dinner. I snap out of my day dream by someone saying my name a couple of times. It's my teacher Mrs Ficklestick. She's really old with crazy hair and she teaches the worst subject, English. She says my name again and I reply with a confused yes. Mrs Ficklestick says what's the answer. I reply with "what's the question again?" "How did Tom and Jill find the murderer?" My thoughts head straight to my best friend Megan who was murdered last summer.


Feeling thankful that the bell rang I leave the class. But just as I step out of the class room I get stopped. A hand that touches me on the shoulder. It feels bigger and warmer than Mrs Ficklestick's hand. I turn around to see who it is. It's Jake. Since it's his first day he asks if he could sit with me and my friends at lunch. I reply with an enthusiastic, sure!


As we head to lunch I see Tili and my other best friend Astrid. As Tili's normal self she straight away says "who's this new hottie?" Both Jake and I blush. Astrid see's us both blush so she changes subject. "So Jake. Where did you move from?" He replies "Lubriana." "Why did you move from such a nice place to this mysterious, murderous town?" Tili says. Jake's voice stutters. "Uh, my parents found a job here in Loadsville." "Ok" Astrid, Tili and I say.


I arrive home and crash onto the couch. Starving for some food, I head up to the fridge to get an apple. I open the fridge and there's blood dripping down from a bloody apple with a knife stabbed into it. It has a note attached to it. I remover it from the apple and it says, It was great seeing you at school today, can't wait to see you tonight.


So that chapter 1. Hopefully you liked it, comment what you think should happen or what might happen in the next couple of chapters.

Please like, comment, bot and stay tuned for the next chapter.

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