Requests/ Rules

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Heya guys! So, I have made yet another book. And this book in particular, will mostly be about Killugon. When I say that, I mean all chapters will contain Killua x Gon (except when theres an Authors Note or something important), and there might be extra ships in the chapter.

No, I will not pair either Killua nor Gon with anyone else. I am just meaning that there might be some Kurapika x Leorio in here or Hisoka being a perv. Possibly Hisoka and Illumi.

Anyway, I have a few things I want to say. First things first, there will be smut in this book. If you dont like smut, all you have to do is click on a non smutty chapter.

Second, you are allowed to request anything that I approve of. Meaning that I only have a few rules that you have to follow. With that said, here are the rules.

1- (More of a reminder) I like to keep Killua the dominant/top one. I know a lot of you out there like Gon dominant, but it's not really my thing. HOWEVER, I don't mind switching it up, so don't worry.

2- You are allowed to request any AU that you wish to. But if you do request an AU, please explain to me what it is.

3- Crossovers are allowed. But it only depends on if I know the fandom. And if you want a crossover, you will have to tell me what fandom its from, what you think should happen, what characters you want to be in it, and what ships you want if you do. Otherwise, I will take it as my que and make my own ships.

4- I will not tolerate any rude comments. You may speak inappropriately, express yourself, etc, but you may not be rude. Do not hate on someone just because they like something. If they have a headcanon that you don't like, ignore it. But also, if you wish to criticize my work, I like constructive critism (aka, feedback). Besides that, go ahead and be sarcastic. Make jokes. I love reading all your comments!

Anyway, to be helpful, I have a rating chart. There will be a number (1-4) infront of each chapter so you can read the one you want. Here are what they stand for.



(3)Adventure/ Random

(4)Sad/ horror


(6) All of the above/more than two

For (6) specifically, you'll see what kind of genre it is when you click on the chapter.

Keep in mind I created this book a few years back. The first four, I made like- three years ago or something. So yeah!

Last thing to remember: I have a new tagging system. ALL TAGS AND TRIGGER WARNINGS WILL BE PRESENTED AT THE TOP OF THE CHAPTER.

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