(2) A Doggy Problem

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I got some inspiration for this lemon from someone on fanfiction.net. So, this idea is not mine. But I convert them into my own words. So legit, I own nothing. (I may own the smut because the other author-chan had to give us a lime ;-;) And one more thing. In this story, Gon IS a werewolf. Just saying. So, enjoy~

.:Killua's pov:.

It was a fine winter morning, a nice cool breeze... the clouds covering up the sun..... just the way I like it.

Letting out a soft sigh, I walked along the snowy sidewalk of the small town I was currently in. It was always winter here, almost no sunshine showing. Thats why I like to visit here from time to time. Its always nice to just have a cold breeze, and have a nice cup of coffee in the morning to relieve the stress...

Even if it is Spring at the moment, it feels like we're in the middle of December. Anyway, at the moment, im heading to the cabin im staying at for the time being. By that, I probably mean im staying here for couple months. I dont really care, as long as I don't have to go back my family for now, im fine.

Anywho, since my cabin IS in the forest, I walk along the snowy path to my home. Sure, Im used to the cold, but right now I feel like rolling up in my blankets with some nice hot chocolate.

Along the way, nearly to the cabin, I hear a loud yelp, along with a bunch of barks, and a few gun shots before it all went silent. Usually, I would never really bother with animals. Especially any sort of dog. So, I dont really know what I was doing when I began to walk towards where I last heard the yelps.

Since my hearing is much more advanced then any normal humans hearing, I could pick up a barely audible type of whining.

Walking towards the whining, it took me about 7 minutes to arrive at a horrid sight. There was what looked like a puppy, a bruised and scratched up in the snow. Obviously, the poor thing had tried to take on a few other wolves while getting attacked by some hunter. But its nothing new. I've  seen worse.

Surprisingly, the pup had actually managed to succeed in beating its prey because two dead wolves layed in the snow a few feet from it, and one big lump of somone I dont really care about layed another foot away. Though, I could still tell the dog waspf, severly hurt.

Knowing I was probably gonna regret this, I took a deep breath and took off my scarf, putting it on the dog's eyes before picking it up....

Holy. Fuck.

The thing was more injured then I thought. Its neck was bitten
.. its paws were broken, even its tail was bent the improper way. Gashes all over its body... how is it even still alive?! One would think this poor thing would have died of blood loss....

Now somewhat worried, I carried the puppy home. I mean, to my current home.

Anyway, I set the dog down on my tiled bathroom floor and ran to find the first aid kit. After way too long of a search, I got the aid kit out of the cupboard that is was in (taking off my coat and shoes), I went to the bathroom and pulled up my long sleeves. "Why the ever loving fuck did I keep the aid kit in the snack cupboard...?!" I spoke out loud, kneeling next to the young dog.

Since I was wearing shorts, I didnt need to worry about getting thoes dirty.

Once I lifted the scarf from the pup's eyes, it immediately began to growl (with that, I could tell it was a boy). I sighed in annoyance. "Oh hush up, be lucky im even helping you." With that, it had shut up.

I had stitched up most of his wounds (dont ask me how I know), and with my luck the bullets from the hunter had already fallen out of the pup. Or had already gone all the way through.

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