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i forgot to update yesterday. haha.... sorry. 

"Okay Lucy, this is some real shit now. We need you to hit this ball once and then you run. One hit Luce, one round run and then you're officially over with baseball on your list." Tyler orders and I nod, gripping the bat in place.

Nick nods at me and throws the ball the way a baseball player should.

The ball zooms through the air and heading straight for me. My heart pounds loudly and my hands became clammy but I knew I could do this, the determination seeping through my blood. I swing the bat just in time and the ball hits, impact loud and clear.

The ball travels to the left and I immediately drop the bat and ran, remembering exactly what the boys had told me to do. The friction between the sole of my shoes and the muddy ground create a scratchy sound but I ignore it, pounding my feet against the ground. 

I run with determination, I run with agility and I se Tyler still searching for the ball only to have me smile.

I speed up my pace and soon I see Tyler pass the ball to Nick who comes running to me and I slide against the ground like Natsu did and my foot touches the base followed by Nick who touches me with the ball.

"Safe!" called Natsu and I sigh in relief, lying down on the ground comfortably.

"You're hot when you're all dirty." compliments Nick in which I return with a scowl but a blush creeping through.

"Shut up." 

I eventually get up, dusting my dirty pants though it won't do anything considering it was drenched in mud.

"I'm taking a shower." I call out and run back to the house, up the stairs and into  my room to get some clothes and undies.

I pass by the mirror and I looked like someone who got involved in a food fight, except it isn't a food fight.

I wipe away the mud from arm which transferred to my hand. I sigh and exit the room with my clothes over my shoulder and quickly into the bathroom, eager to wash the dirt off of me.

The warm water hits my skin, relaxing my muscles in an instant. I scrub off the mud with some soap, the foam bubbling over. I rinse them off and scrub my hair as well, mixed with sweat and dirt.

I quickly finish showering soon after and dried myself with my towel, wrapping it around my chest forming a tube dress of a sort. I pulled out my toothbrush and brushed my teeth, wanting to feel fresh and clean.

I gargled water and spit it out into the sink, wiping my mouth dry. I flung the towel over the rack and wore my clothes. I finger combed my hair and exited the bathroom to bring my laundry down to the washing machine.

"Now, do you understand it?" asks Nick. I bite on the eraser head of the pencil, trying to let the new knowledge sink in.

"I think so?" I say, more like a question. 

"Lucy, it's so simple." stated Nick. I glared at him, "For you, not for me."

Who knew Nick was actually a smart one? His course was something I forgot but what I knew that it's a hard and complicated course.

"It's so simple and yet why can't I understand, bro?" I sigh, placing a hand over my forehead. 

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