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And so the ground
splits in half
and quakes under
their every step.
rattles the trees
and wakes the skies
and roils the seas.
For they, are an Earthquake.
And I?
a mere tremor compared to there magnitude.

And so they unfurl
their mighty waves
tearing rives
and drowning oceans
with ripples of their
aqua marines
and phenomenal pools
of daunting flare.
For they, are the Sea.
And I?
A sparse stream compared to their depth.

And so the clouds
crackle and split
their thunderous rumbles
plummeting below
and shattering the earth
havoc and debris
all at their mercy
For they, are Lightning.
And I?
An idle spark compared to their bolts.


with no Tremors, earthquakes fade.
with no Streams, seas cease to be.
with no Spark, lightning dies.

For I was made to be subtle.
But great things
are done
by a series
of small.

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