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27th September, 1990.

"Breakfast is ready, Miss Caufield." Anna announced, popping her head through Maya's door.

Maya looked up from her book.

"Thank you, Anna." She said with a warm smile towards her maid. "I'll be downstairs in a moment." Anna nodded, and left, presumably towards Asha's room down the hall.

Maya got up, carefully setting her copy of Matilda down on her bedside table, before making her way towards her walk-in. A Caufield must always look her best; her Governess Mrs. Hughes' voice rang in her head as she searched for something to wear.

"Aha." Maya mumbled, stopping in front of a yellow summer dress that her mother had gifted to her two days ago on her and Asha's eleventh birthday. Maya pulled it off its hanger and set to dressing herself.

Mother was right, Maya thought, as she twirled in front of the mirror a few minutes later. This dress does go well with my hair. She decided to let her blonde hair loose, opting to just pin a few strands away from her face. She walked out of her room, and made her way downstairs. She spotted her parents already sitting at the dining table. Her sister was nowhere in sight.

"Good morning, Father." She greeted, kissing him on his cheek. He looked up from his newspaper and gave her a small smile.

"Good morning, darling." He said absentmindedly. "Where is your sister?"

Maya shrugged. "Still getting ready, I suppose." She looked towards the other side of the table. "Bonjour Maman." She greeted.

"Bonjour ma Cherie." Her mother responded. "Tu es si belle dans cette robe!" she turned to her father. "N'est-ce pas, Harold?"

Her father looked up at being addressed. He hadn't been paying attention, Maya knew. "Yes. Of course, my dear." He said, clearing his throat. Maya laughed a little as she sat down next to him, grabbing the part of the paper that he had set down.

"Good morning, Fredrick." Maya called out as she saw her butler enter the room.

"Good morning, Ms. Caufield." The man greeted. "The usual?" he asked her, and Maya nodded.

Maya watched as Fredrick served her some bacon, and an omelet.

"Bonjour!" came a cheerful voice, just as Fredrick was pouring her some juice.

"Bonjour, Asha." Maya responded, rolling her eyes. Her sister was so fluent in their mother's language that she tried using it whenever she could.

Her sister glided in with a grace that Maya had always envied, and sat down next to their mother. The two of them chatted quietly amongst themselves, while Maya and her father read in silence.

Just as they finished breakfast, the doorbell rang.

"Are we expecting someone?" her father asked. Her mother shrugged.

A few minutes later, Fredrick came in, looking thoroughly perplexed. "Sir, a woman is here to talk to you and your wife about Ms. Maya." He told her father. "She refuses to tell me what it's about." Her father turned to give her a baffled look. Maya shrugged.

"Very well." Her father said with a sigh, tossing his napkin aside. He made his way out to the drawing room.

"She's here to tell you that you're adopted." Asha whispered, as the two of them followed their father. "I knew this day would come." Maya looked at her like she was stupid.

"We're twins, so if I'm adopted, you are too." She whispered back.

"That's what they want you to think." Asha responded. "I think we're not even related." Maya raised an eyebrow at that.

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