18. "Cupcake"

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Recap: "Sophia!" She hugs me tightly

I hug her back

I rub my eyes to see if any of this was true.

"Is that really you....

"Is that really you?" I ask
"Yes" she answers while laughing
"Are you sure or am I just dreaming and none of this is happening right now" I say very confused
"No it's really me" she says with a smile on her face
"Prove it" I challenge
"How?" She asks amused

I tap my index finger on my chin while thinking

"What is something that will always stay between us?" I ask staring her straight in the eye

She thinks for about 3 seconds then starts to burst out laughing causing a smile to creep up on my face

It really is her

After laughing she begins to walk towards me then whispers in my ear "The time you fell out of the bath tub" then begins to laugh again

Why is she whispering

I look at her with a confused look and she stops laughing when she realizes

"What?" She asks
"Why were u whispering?" I ask

She looks behind her and I see two adults standing there looking at us with smiles on their faces

I couldn't quite put my finger on it but they looked familiar

The women had curly hair like me but hers was more blonde and the man had curly hair too but not as curly as the woman's hair also his was more Brown. They both had beautiful eyes just like me even though I don't see what's the problem with having Brown eyes. The woman was a little shorter than me while the man was super tall. Well compared to the woman. Actually they both looked like a split image of...


I stared at them in disbelief

The man's smile began to grow in excitement while the woman started to become worried. Well at least from the look on her face.

"Are you okay cupcake?" She asks rushing over to me

Ignoring the fact that she called me cupcake. I just nod my head.

Not noticing that I had my mouth wide open. The woman put her index finger under my chin and lifts it to close my mouth "We don't want flies going in there" She laughs.

I shake my head. Snapping me out of my thoughts "Oh sorry" I say before turning around facing Adriana.

"Is that them?" I mouth pointing my thumb towards them

She nods her head and mouths "Yes" before she starts laughing again

I smile to myself

Almost forgot how silly she was

I turn back around to face the man and woman as tears start to fill my eyes "Mom? Dad?" As a tear trails down my face.

They both run to comfort me and pulls me into a tight group hug. When I look up my mom's eyes are filled with tears as she has a smile on her face "Yes Sophia it's us".

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