Chapter 1: Ground Zero

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Chapter 1: Ground Zero

Candlelight shadows danced against the brown rock wall as practiced hands, expert fingers, wove strands of brown wicker. In soft, fluid motions, Elsia manoeuvred each thread against and through a neighbouring arrangement, crafting a shape that looked sturdy and durable. She placed it on the simple wooden workbench, and pushed down on it with both hands. The wicker fibres held firmly together, and Elsia nodded in satisfaction as she took up another long strand and resumed her weaving. Her actions were constant, like a flowing stream, and her hands paused only long enough to tend to an itch on the back of a silver scaled arm.

The air was musty, and seemed to visibly hang within the low ceilings of the dank underground space. Elsia didn't notice. To her it was normal; it had been this way for as long as anyone could remember. The dim light from a handful of candles did little to impede her progress, as her eyes had long adjusted to the conditions. To an outsider it may have appeared a dungeon, a grotto, but to Elsia, she was in her element.

A hooded figure entered the room, moving with long strides. "Is it ready yet?" It was an old voice, a male voice, and spoke in a demanding tone.

Elsia reached up to her face and brushed a strand of white hair away from her silver scaled face. "You can't rush the process, Alquel," she said simply. "You know that."

Alquel grumbled, then said nothing. He paced the room, mulling over his thoughts, then eventually decided he could remain quiet no longer and said, curtly, "It needs to be perfect."

"It will be. It always is." Elsia put down her wicker handiwork and turned to look at Alquel. He was on edge, nervous. His hands fidgeted, and she smiled sympathetically. "Alquel, trust in me. Trust in your life partner. You know it will be ready."

Alquel's mouth curled. Elsia had aged terribly. Harsh wrinkles had cut into her scaled face, ravaging it with time. Crows feet clawed at the corners of her black eyes. And her smile... years upon years had made that less of a sight than he was accustomed too.

A shame, he thought. What was once so beautiful is now eroding.

His lack of a response was noticed by Elsia, and her earnest demeanour changed. Her eyes fell as she turned back to her bench. "I need more reeds," she said. Her voice was cold.

Alquel waved a dismissive hand. "So send for the child."

Elsia pursed her lips, thin with frustration. "It wouldn't take long."

"I need to speak to the elders. The child can do it."

Elsia sighed, exasperated. She knew of Alquel's meeting, but asked anyway, hoping he would at least consider it. Hoping that calling for that child wasn't necessary. She turned around, ready to argue, but Alquel simpy stared at her, and he wasn't budging. Elsia sighed again, and put two fingers to her mouth and blew a shrill whistle. "Celphine! You are summoned!"

Alquel rubbed the side of his head, moving his fingers in circles. "My dear, there are less enthusiastic and painful ways to approach one's duties."

"Love of mine, the caves are many and the tunnels lengthy. How does sound travel if there is not the energy to propel it?"

Another grumble. A trademark non-answer from Alquel.

A moment passed, but no one appeared at the rock entrance. Elsia inhaled deeply and whistled again, louder, longer. "Celphine! Child! You are summoned!"

Timid footsteps approached the entrance, and a small child entered with her head bowed. She, like the others, had skin of silver scales. She wore a brown robe that frayed at the edges, and was far too long at the sleeves; even bunched up around her elbows, they draped low over her hands, signs of a hand-me-down that had not been adjusted to fit. Alquel turned and looked down at Celphine with disdain. The child was always late, he thought. No concept of time whatsoever.

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