Let Her Free

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It’s funny how people tell you that being different is good but when they see people that are being themselves and who are different, they tease them about it. If you are smart you're a nerd, if you aren’t so great at doing something, you're stupid. Why are people like this? People say 'Blame society' but do they not get that we are 'society'? If you want society to change start with yourself because weather you like it or not you are and always will be part of it. If one person says something is cool like 'swag' or snapbacks then everybody wants it, everybody needs to be 'cool' everybody wants to be part of it, they all want to fit in. When people say being different is a good thing, that it is special then why aren't they different? Why don’t they need to be different instead of all of us being the same?

I used to know a girl who was like everyone else... She wasn’t different but people always told her that being different was special. She liked the idea of being 'special' and she was scared that if she wasn't soon she would be like everyone else forever. She imagined a world where everybody was the same, the same face, the same clothes, the same name, and they all looked...sad. She didn’t want to be like them. She wanted to be the one who stood up to the 'cool' people and the one who wasn’t scared to speak her mind who wasn’t afraid of trying new things and be herself.

One day she tried being different. She liked Drawing and writing and Disney movies and she took silly pictures of herself with her 'friends'. She wasn’t 'cool' her 'friends' didn't like her. Only a year later she was stabbed in the back by them. Her so called 'friends' lied to her, talked about her behind her back and in the end left her. She has a friend now, only one, but she is always complaining about her, she says her friend is stupid and delusional but she can’t live without her. She thinks that if she distanced herself from everyone she would be fine. She thinks if she distanced herself from people she could concentrate on her studies more and become successful. 

She was different but people teased her, all she wanted was to be special but her 'friends' and society didn't let her. She tried changing herself for the better but with all those negative people around, all positive things made her think that they were wrong and that she should go back to the way she was before... boring and exactly like everyone else. She is Muslim so she wears a scarf and respects herself but because she is different, those people that told her it was good turned on her and teased her. She wasn’t like most of the people at her school now, rolling up their shorts and wearing make-up and being 'cool'. She was different and she didn’t want to change, she doesn't want to change, she loves being a Muslim, she loves being in control of who can see her body and who can’t. She loved herself.

Sometimes she cries herself to sleep at night because the words of all her 'friends' hurt her too much, ‘‘Terrorist’’, "EW! You’re a Muslim?”, “Don’t bomb me!”, "Don’t shoot me!” .She doesn’t understand. Why did her friends turn on her when all she was doing was trying to be her own person? They did say being different was a good thing... right? Being a Muslim and believing in something doesn’t make her a bad person, people judge her a lot because of what they see on the media and think she is weird but i know her. She isn’t a bad person, she wants to live in a world with only positive people, she wants actual friends, she doesn’t like seeing people get hurt, she wouldn’t hurt a fly! Most people stay away from her, they think she might hurt them but for heaven’s sake she was a fifteen year old girl, what harm could she do?

She wants to be free of all the hurt, and how do i know this? She ... is me.

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