rainy day

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It's July, summer is in full swing and it's supposedly the hottest week on record this year.

And it's raining. A lot. Like, cats and dogs style.

"What style?"

"Cats and dogs. You know, the expression. Don't tell me you don't know cats and dogs."

Jacob gives Troye a perplexed look over his shoulder and shrugs, drawing the curtains back closed to their original position, shutting out the dismal display outside. The rain continues to hammer on the glass, beating out a steady rhythm. He turns around and flops back down on the bed, the mattress bouncing under his stomach.

"Oh well, guess we're staying in today," he huffs, blowing his fringe out of his eyes and cupping his chin in his hand to look up at his boyfriend. Troye is currently still snuggled under the covers, buried in a warm, snuggly cocoon, his nose just peeking out over the top to eye Jacob lazily. He pauses for a moment before he shrugs lightly, pursing his lips and closing his eyes again.

"Oh well," he yawns, "I'm tired anyway." He sticks a hand out the covers, gesturing for Jacob to come and lay with him, wriggling his fingers. "C'mere."

He feels the mattress sink as Jacob shimmies under the duvet, kicking the covers and flopping down on the pillow. When Troye opens his eyes, his nose is a centimetre away and he's pouting. Troye snorts a laugh at his expression and snakes an arm out to wrap around his waist, pulling him into his side and sneaking a quick kiss in the process. He swings a leg over his hips and snuggles even closer, pressing his face to Jacob's neck and inhaling. His skin is hot under Troye's, still flushed from sleep and smelling sweet and somewhat floral.

"I can't believe it, we had so many things planned today," Jacob grumbles, still pouting, and Troye feels the vibrations of his voice under his lips where they're pressed to his Adam's apple.

Troye hums noncommittally. Personally, he doesn't really mind the change in the weather. If it means he can stay like this all day, pressed into Jacob from every angle, fingers skimming the skin of his naked back, up to his neck and into his hair, it could rain for the rest of eternity for all he cares.

"You don't care one bit, do you?" he chuckles, pinching Troye's waist and making him giggle.

"Mmm, not really," Troye murmurs against his neck and Jacob purrs a sound of contentment from somewhere above his head, hand roaming up and down his waist.

"I guess we could make it work," he mumbles, fingers tracing patterns in the ridges of Troye's ribs and making him shiver a little.

The sound of thunder rumbles outside, distant and faint but unmistakable, the rain seeming to increase, pelting the window with renewed force. Troye moves even closer, slipping his thigh between Jacob's legs until he's practically koala hugging him and Jacob responds by leaning down and peppering soft kisses up Troye's neck. Troye sighs a half-formed version of his name, too tired to form proper words. He tilts his head to give him more access and Jacob continues his exploration of his neck, moving up to nip at his jaw and Troye hums, fingers stroking his skin, encouraging.

The thunder rumbles again, closer this time, but it feels miles away when Jacob is mouthing his way along Troye's jaw, kissing in the dip of his chin below his lower lip and moving away again before Troye can chase it. He wants to tell him to stop teasing but his mouth feels like it's full of cotton, sticky with sleep, so he grumbles at him instead, pinching the skin on the back of his neck between his fingers and making Jacob yelp.

"I would love to see where this is going, really, I do," Troye manages to say, "but at this rate we're never gonna get out of bed and I'm starving." As if to prove his point, a loud rumble emanates from his stomach and Jacob laughs into his ear, gravelly and deep. The sound has the hairs standing up on Troye's neck and his toes curling.

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