Special Requests <Baekhyun>

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You And Baekhyun have known each other since school days, you still can not forget him, he was your first love,The one how taught u how to love! You were neighbours, classmates, you could see him everywhere!

But that was then and this is now.

When you moved out he wasnt there for you! You both lost contact and couldnt see each other again.





unless u could see him on TV!

"He forgot me,ughh Baek why did u do this" You mumbled after you saw him singing on TV..

"I'll always be here for you, you are mine" you heard his voice whispering in ur ears.

But as time passed you decided to try forgetting him.

until that day Came. .  .  .  .

*You're at that restaurant for another work Day*

-"We have a special order Today,Therteen package of fried chicken" Your boss said

-"What kind of idiots would have 13 orders pfft"  You mumbled

You had the Address paper to deliver the order, When you Reached the door, You knocked!!!

-"Yea! oh yeah thank you, here you go." a handsome young man handed you his Credit card! 

-"Yaaaaahhhhh The frieddd Chicken is hereeee woaaahhhh" another annoying person came behind thet one, Louder than anyone you have ever seen. or maybe equivalent to someone you had known before

you Stood Frozen. . . . . . he approched behinde the credit-card man! You gasped!

You dropped the bags infront of their door and Ran as fast as you could....

"What the hell?" "Dont know! " You could hear them descusing what you did.

"Oh my God..... *Sigh* Its Baekhyun" You said to yourself while driving back to the resaturant! You thought that he didnt recognize you anyway!

"Boss,Can I please take this day off?"

"What's wrong"

"Just not feeling well"

"Okay,but it would be deducted from your salary........" He Continued talking non-sense, you didnt care as you took your bag and left!

~~~The next day~~~

"After Tomorrow is my birthday yahoooo" You Shouted...

You didnt know wether you were happy or depressed..You wished hre could have been with you! You wished he could even call u to congartulate..But its all over now.

You sighed deeply looking at yourself in the mirror... a tear had fallen across your cheek! you smiled at urself in the mirror,wiped it away....You curled your hair like always and prepared for work!

"Hey! (y/n) go to table 9 put these dishes" Boss said

"Why do I always have to serve the big tables" You mumbled

"What did you say?"  "Nothing"

While you were getting nearer, You realised the face of The Credit-Card guy!

"Omo Omo Omo" You said quickly hurrying back to the restaurant kitchen

"(y/n) Why are you being like this! You're the only one here to serve them, The others havent arrived yet" The boss bullied you

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