Chapter 11: The Measure of a Man

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The small shuttle touched down softly in the wild grass less than five miles out from the outer wall of the large capitol city. Within moments, everyone was off the ship, and equipment was being passed out.
"Welcome to the greatest night you will ever know. We're here to strike a mighty blow that will make these damn lizards think twice about ever fucking with us again. It's gonna be glorious!" Keith announced to the group as he stood with a large smile on his face. Kevin Tuan came up beside him, and looked up at the impressive wall surrounding the city.
"Any ideas how to get in?" he asked.
"Well, looking at the terrain around here, I'm willing to bet that wall is made of sandstone, or something similar. We can just blast though it with no problems."
"And if we can't?"
"Then I guess we've gotta knock on the front door." Keith said as he slung a bag filled with explosives over his shoulder.
"Maybe we can just tell them we're here to deliver a pizza."
"That'll work. 'We've got three large pepperoni, and a side order of bullets and blood.' I'm sure they'll let us right in." Kevin replied as the group moved silently through the tall, wild grass toward the city.
"So. Stupid question, does anyone know where to find their leader?" Valerie Murdoc, the medic for the group asked.
"It should be just like finding one of our leaders. Look for the biggest, nicest house with all the security." Keith replied.
"Great. It's nice to know we've got a plan." As they neared the wall, Keith noted that it was, in fact made of a soft rock similar to sandstone. He blew a large hole in the wall with some shaped-charge explosives they brought along, and the group filed through.
"Well, with the sound of that blast, even though these things don't hear as well as we do, there's no way they didn't hear that. We better get a move on." Keith said as he led the way toward the heart of the city. Shortly, they came upon what appeared to be a house.
"I just realized. I can't tell if this is a nice mansion, or the lowest end of the trailer park. Who knows what these things think in terms of aesthetics?" Val said as she appraised the building. Keith shouldered past her, with his rifle ready as he answered
"Only one way to find out. I'm goin in." Kevin, and Anatoly Pettrovich, the heavy weapons specialist for the group followed him, leaving Val, and two others in the still night air, watching for the enemy. Inside was the picture of calm. The building was a single level, with no walls. No rooms, only a single support structure in the center of the room. On the stone floor, three adult Shaitan, and a very small juvenile were curled up into balls, undoubtedly sleeping. Keith looked to the other two, and put a finger to his lips to signal silence, then flashed a maniacal grin as he slung his rifle, and pulled a large hunting knife from a sheath near his left shoulder. He crept slowly toward the adults, and proceeded to slit their throats. When he finished with the third adult, the juvenile woke. Cries of terror escaped from the young creature's jaws, as it took in the sight of the intruder, covered in the purple blood of it's family, and wielding a wicked blade, while advancing slowly. Kevin watched in horror as Keith stabbed the lizard child repeatedly while laughing like a madman. Anatoly rushed forward, and clamped his hands on Keith's arms. Keith broke free, and slashed at Anatoly. He jumped back, narrowly avoiding a killing slash across his neck, then leaned back, and delivered a fierce kick to Keith's groin, dropping him instantly. Keith continued to laugh through fits of coughing as Kevin looked down at him.
"It's easy to forget what a sin is in the middle of a battle. But a line must always be drawn somewhere. You just crossed that line. Anatoly? Cuff him to that support pole, and take his weapons." As Anatoly dragged him toward the center of the room to shackle him, Keith addressed Kevin
"Haven't you heard of 'an eye for an eye' before? This is payback for what we saw in the village!"
"Gandhi said 'An eye for an eye only makes the whole world blind.' we're not here to murder innocent children. We're here to capture their leader, and that's it. We'll come back to get you once we've got him, and you're coming back to the colony to stand trial for this. And to think I used to look up to you." Kevin said as he shook his head in disgust.

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