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Chapter 13


My family sits on a bench, listening to the speeches made by friends and family of Harry. We are in London.

I never visited Calum or Niall I stayed home till the funeral.

Everyone all of a sudden look to the doors of the church. A small boy who looks older than Lucas walks into the church. He takes a seat in front of us. He had blonde hair, and was accompanied by two women.

He turns around and faces me. He has green eyes.

"Did you know him?" he asks me

"Yes, yes I did."

"Are you perhaps Marina?"

"Yes and you are?"

"I'm Trent, his son" I look at him in disbelief, but then again he looks a lot like Harry.

"They gave me your letter and I received mine."

"May I have my letter."

"Of course, just after my speech."


He hands one woman my letter and looks at the two women. They nod.

He stands up and walks to the podium.

"I don't know much about my father but I know he's a wealthy man and fell in love at last minute. He wrote me every single day but I couldn't respond due to him not putting an address so I could respond." he pauses "He tells me a story about a girl he met, he fell in love. He had to watch her be with other men, and that crushed him. Until she finally settled down unexpectedly. He never wanted to face her again. She had a family with a boy, he sorta looks like me except he has talent." people laugh. "You don't need to laugh, I was born with the humor of my father and he wasn't that funny." He said off topic but people still laughed "But in the end she ends up unhappy, she stayed like that for five years. Then five years later it's time for her only child to begin classes. She runs into an insane girl who hits her on her left cheek. The boy who comes out of the car is the same boy that left her five years ago. They spend the day together when he finally pops the question "Will you take me back?" She says yes and jumps into his arms with joy. She later finds out about four of her best friends getting into an accident and winding up in the hospital."pause "She goes to the hospital and faces her friends one dead three alive. She cries, a lot but her boyfriend comforts her. Like a good boyfriend should. She worries of why they're other friends aren't there, she decided to get them and look at their friends in pain. She first gets a man who didn't know what to do with his life. She demands him to get up and sober up. He does it because he still loves the girl in front of him. They fetch the other two friends. Only one of them had a normal life." he pauses "They go back to the hospital and she tells them to care for their friends, then she leaves with her own family. She comes back but not often until another tragic thing happens to her life. It seems one of her friends didn't succeed in his attempt of suicide." He pauses "With a lighter and a blade, sure if you wanted to die why not just grab a gun and put in your mouth that would've been easier and faster. She visits her old friends that has been in the hospital for quite some while. She looks at the injured friend then faces herself with the man who didn't know what to do with his life. He tells her his undying love for her and she runs away from him. His heart broken by the one he loves. He chooses not to chase after her, he leaves her be. She sleeps it off hoping its a dream, but it isn't."he pauses "She, again, goes to visit her injured friend, yet she faces herself with the man. He asks her to runaway with him and she ran away from him, but this time he follows. She tells everyone and they're alarmed. The man barged in moments later and gets into a discussion with the boyfriend and the friend who didn't succeed." He pauses "The boyfriend wins, and the man who loved the girl with all his might leaves sad and, well sad. He writes a new letter to his son and three others. Then thinks, writes then finds himself facing a gun. Inside his mouth, then boom!" He pauses yet again "He's gone." He stays quite for a moment, to look at the people. "Your probably wondering how a ten year old could handle such a story. Your probably wondering how the girl feels about this, well let's ask her, Marina?" Everyone looks at me "Go on say it"

"I feel sad an-"

"You feel pity? Does it look like this man wants your pity? He killed himself and this is when you finally take notice and all you feel is pity? Honestly ma'm I think you are a disappointment to me."

I stand from my seat and make my way to the podium. "I feel pity for him because he was a close friend of mine. You can't expect me to fall in love with him as soon as he decides to do this."

"But Marina I never said you had to love him, I'm telling you to ask yourself why you feel pity."

I think for a minute, I only feel bad about this because I think it's my fault.


Idk man

I like Trent's speech

but it went downhill and



oh also surprise!

I updated early.

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