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Adrien's POV

I was halfway out of the door from first lesson, but then the worlds greatest liar, (*COUGHS* sorry *coughs quieter* sorry Lila) clung on to my arm.

"Adri-bunny! Wanna catch a smoothie with me after school. I mean seriously, the two of us are truly made for each other..." She continued to blabber on but I yawned and gently pushed her away, and walked away...

A/N: Sorry fellow readers I am on a serious writers block (as you can probably tell), so if you have any ideas for this story I will add them. Just remember: Lila spells Adrien, Adrien starts bullying Marinette, Marinette saves him...bla bla bla bla.... 

Shout out to XxCat_Noir xX who gladly made this wonderful cover ( I might have to get her to create all my covers)

😎 JK I won't ask you to make all my covers, I just can't thank you enough for the cover I wish you good luck and the best.

Yours Miraculously ~


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2017 ⏰

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