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Daddy would usually like to think of himself as a calm person. He never initiated violence, he took care of his girls, and made some good money off of them. He was also generous, offering protection and providing them a roof over their heads and food to eat.

However, it was times like these that he really wanted to shoot a man. Preferably Ricardo, the dumb fuck sitting across from him at the poker table.

"I ain't about that cheating shit, cuz." Ricardo claimed as he waved his hands in the air like someone really did shoot him.

"I'm not playing these games with you, Ricaca." Daddy tried to say with a serious calmness as he brushed his fingers over the gun tucked in his waistband.
"I refuse to continue playing this game with a cheater." Said Daddy as he watched Ricardo conspicuously hide a few cards underneath the table.

" Well go fucking fish, Pimp, I don't have a 6 spades. " Ricardo said with one could only describe as a poorly concealed expression of constipation. Or perhaps that was smugness. Daddy couldn't tell the difference when he called this fucker here to play a nice game of Go Fish, and this dumbass was cheating right in front of him.

"Listen here you Ricardo fuck, either come clean or I'll shoot your dick off. " Daddy said wildly as he laid his gun on the table for Ricardo to see.

" FINE!FINE! Just don't fuck up my baby maker, cuz. I admit it, I was cheatin'." Ricardo exclaimed and continued with his hand waving shit.

Daddy relaxed himself, he was a calm and generous guy after all. Then remembered why he was forcing himself to tolerate this fucker.

"You know Sasha, Ricardo?" Daddy asked point blank as he stroked his gun.
Ricardo began to sweat a little as he shifted uncomfortably in his seat.
"That hot little Latina? No not at all."
Ricardo replied and finished with an astounding voice crack.

"From what I've heard, you've been trying to give her to your abusive brother Emilio. " Daddy raised an eyebrow.

Ricardo faked bravado. "So what? You ain't gonna do shit, cuz. "

Daddy tried being calm, but he had no tolerance for dumb fucks like Ricardo. You'd think the Co leader of the Mexican mafia would be a little bit smarter when stuck in a situation with a crazy Pimp.

Daddy abruptly rose from his seat, knocking his chair over.
"Bang, Bang muthafucka. You a dead man. " Daddy mocked as he pointed his gun at Ricardo.
The Co leader of the Mexican Mafia flinched before he bolted out of the private room in the Casino.

"Ain't nobody fucks with my girls." Pimp Daddy yelled out to the fleeing man before tucking his gun back into his waistband.

This was the Pimp Daddy Protection Program.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2017 ⏰

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