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•Ophelia POV•

"I better get going too, Cheryl has been texting that our little guy is giving her a hard time." Liam says as I walk back in the living room.

"Good luck with that daddy Payne." Niall chuckles as I sit on the arm of the couch next to Ezra.

"Why are you all smiles?" Ezra asks setting his guitar on the cushion next to him.

"Baby fever, haven't had a little one around in a long time." I lie to him and fix his backwards necklace.

Liam chuckles,"You are always welcomed to take mine for a bit."

"Professional Rocker should be my new title." I joke grabbing an unopened beer from the table.
Ezra immediately takes the bottle from me and opens it passing it back to me knowing I struggle opening bottles.

"I had a great time, we will have to meet up before tour again." Liam shakes Ezra's hand as he gets up to walk him out.

"So any thing good come out of this or just a bunch of goofing off?" I ask Niall and Harry as they both are scrolling through their phones.

"We got the melody basically and are close on the rest of it for a rough draft. Some lyrics too." Harry explains as I sip on the warm Guinness.

Niall chuckles,"if you call three words lyrics."

"We still working lads? Or everyone giving up?" Ezra laughs coming back in the room and sitting next to me.

"It's not even ten. I got a few hours of writing in me still." Harry says and Niall agrees.

"What about some pizza?" I ask hoping they say yes cause I'm starved.

"Large pepperoni for me." Niall pats his stomach.

I laugh and pull up dominoes number,"Harry?"

"I'm good with whatever." He smiles as I get up to order.

"Remember breadsticks." Ezra pokes my back as I step over his legs to call.

I roll my eyes at him making all the guys laugh.

Harry ends up paying for the four pizzas and three orders of bread sticks pizza and telling the middle aged delivery guy to fuck off when he says something about my ass. All I can do is laugh as Harry flips the dude off as he drives away.

"Well the creepy delivery guy is more scared of Harry than you Ez." I say as I walk back to the living room.

"Did that pervert say shit again? I told them not to send that guy here anymore." Ezra complains. I sit down next to Niall and he opens the pepperoni box and admires the pizza before attacking the large pie.

"Whatever." I mumbled before pulling a slice of cheese pizza out of the box.

"He still shouldn't be saying that to his customers." Harry points out. I nod and they go on and change the subject back to the music, thankfully. I space out thinking about Louis.

"Ophelia, want another beer?" Niall asks me as Ezra goes to grab more.

"Yeah, please." I say as Ez gives me a look knowing that I'm hiding something, because I'm being more quiet than usual.

"So I think that the verse about branches should go before the one about waves?" Ezra calls out walking back to the living room with four cold bottles.

Harry hums in agreement, "yeah cause then it goes into the main chorus, it flows better."

They continue to talk while eating pizza. I listen and watch jersey shore that is muted on the tv.

• a few hours pass •

"Bye!" I call after Niall and Harry in the door way. I shut the door and spin around to see Ezra giving me the disapproving  big brother death stare with his arms crossed.

"What are you thinking? Louis? Seriously?" Ezra says right away screwing up my plan to run upstairs while he is cleaning.

I try and play dumb,"what do you mean?"

"Ophelia, I am not stupid. I know you way to well to know when you are into a guy. This is like Jakob all over. I swear to god if you screw this up." Ezra says the vein in his forehead starting to bulge.

"Ezra, I don't, it isn't like that. I don't like Louis." I blatantly lie to him.

"Bullshit! He's your favorite. Remember how you obsessed over the band especially him when you were in secondary? College even! He showed slight interest in you, and here you go drooling over some older guy again. Not to mention he has a kid!"

I bite my tongue and take a breath before talking so I don't yell back.

"I know, and I was thinking about that whole situation. I am not 15 anymore. I can make my own decisions. I do not want to make the same mistakes again. I know shouldn't have kissed him," He cuts me off,

"You kissed Louis? Of course, fuck why do you always do this?"

"Ezra I'm sorry! I know your mad I know I screwed up. I will talk to Louis and tell him nothing can happen. I won't go on tour if that's what you want. I won't screw it up for you. I'm not a little kid anymore I'll take responsibility for my actions. It won't be the reason. I won't be the reason. I-I'm so sorry." I start to cry knowing that my actions could screw up Ezra going on tour with them.

Ezra grinds his teeth looking away from me as I wipe off my eyes. I try to walk past him to go up to my apartment but am grabbed by my arm and pulled into his arms.

"I'm sorry, I know I still treat you little girl. You aren't anymore and I can't protect you from older boys anymore. I think that's what I'm really worried about." He chuckles his grasps on me tightens as I cry into his chest. "You are an adult and I trust you. I can't stop you from relationships anymore. God I don't want you living above me forever."

I can't help but laugh and hide my face in his chest, "I will talk to Louis. Nothing will continue between us."

"Thank you, Olive. I just don't want anything to possible ruin the chance of me not going on tour with them. Just keep your pants on until I sign the papers." He teases me letting go of me finally.

"Oh my god, Ezra." I groan but laugh as he ruffles my already messy hair.

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