2 | tiff ( @-jugheadd )

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( -jugheadd  )

1) What is a hero for you? Do they exist?

A hero isn't someone who has superpowers and fights crime (although they are that too). It's someone who just wants to make the world a better place. It could be as simple as helping someone cross the road, or as big as helping someone in a car crash. They're everywhere and it's not hard to find them.

2) Which superhero would you want to be?


3) Which would be your top 5 superpowers?

Super speed, basically all of Spider-Man's abilities, x-Ray vision, flying and telekinesis.

4) Would you want to have the elements of the universe?

Um I guess? I'm not sure really. Superhero powers are all I need tbh.

5) How have superheroes changed?

There's some superheroes who aren't getting as much credit as they did tbh. Everyone knows Batman and Spider-Man and Superman but what about Green Arrow, Arsenal (used him in a game and won because no one knows superheroes like I did ;) ), Black and White Canary etc. I'm not the eldest and didn't know superheroes as well as I do know back then, but I can pretty much guarantee they got WAY more credit back when the comics were bigger than now.

6) Who are your top 5 superheroes and why?

Flash, flash, flash, flash and flash. Nah, it's probably Flash, Spider-Man, Green Arrow, Nightwing andd Black Canary. It's definitely because they've been my childhood (well early-ish childhood). I've always loved Flash and Spider-Man a lot more (even if they're different universes...) but Spider-Man has been a big part.

7) If you could randomly choose a superhero from the top of your head to become, who would it be?


8) Favorite villain?

Joker. Yeah. Joker. He's chill. Well not really he's a psycho but like he's chill. Y'know?

9) Who brought you into the superhero universe?

My parents. Dad especially. He one day started playing the really old Batman shows when I was around 4 or 5 and I just loved watching them.

10) How old were you when you first discovered superheroes?

Well, I just said it haha. I was 4 or 5.

11) Who was your favorite superhero growing up? And is it still your favorite now?

Spider-Man and yeah. He's in the top two of my favorites.

12) What made you want to join the Superhero Society?

Randi. Um I discovered Randi a while back and had absolutely been so happy. She responds to fans so when I found out she's in this account I immediately wanted to come join.

13) What inspired you to start writing on wattpad?

I write fanfics about a youtuber (not anymore) so I guess that because that really gave my inspiration.

14) If you could give our fellow followers some words of wisdom, what would you say?

Be yourself. If y'all wanna get a following, a fandom, you'll wanna be yourself. You'll feel guilty as id you sit there pretending to be someone else just because that's who they "like". If they don't like you for you then they're not worth it. And to believe in yourself. If y'all wanna write a book about my little pony, do it. You will get judged and hated on but just remember you had the guts to put that book up on your profile. Did they? No.

15) What would be your alias on this account? (Or, what would you like to be called, apart from your name? ex: a nickname)

Well, I'm already Tiff so y'know, I'm keeping that haha. I guess I like it

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