Nothing special

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Dear diary,
today was a day without anything special. Espo, Ryan and I solved a case. Yeah, the people who don't do that for every day would say: ,,What? You solved a case? How exiting!" But I don't felt like this anymore. It was the same thing like always. Sometimes I felt like I'm lonely and nobody's there for me, to hear to me when I'm sad or stop my tears from falling. I wished there would be that one person I could tell everything and talk about everything but I felt like, there was no one. And that is thing which made me sad. When I walked through the streets of NY, I saw so much happy people and I always walked alone. And I was pretty sure, tomorrow is going to be the same day like today. Even if I was hopeful that it wouldn't. I decided to have a shower and I ordered a pizza. Broccoli with extra cheese. After I ate my ,,super healthy'' dinner, I went to my bedroom and felt a sleep after thinking about my life, how lonely I felt. But I didn't know this time, how important the next day will be for me.

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