Adrian's POV

We ran. In fact that's all we could do. We reached the entrance of the airport. We went to terminal B and ran to the boarding area.

Miami, Florida

I smile to my best friend, Kai Rodriguez. We grabbed our phones and slammed them to the ground, watching them shatter to bits. Everyone stared at us like we were bat shit crazy, breaking our own phones on purpose. We bent down and picked up a small square chip. I smirked. That son of a bitch. "A tracking device." Kai said. I nodded and squished it between my thumbs. Our flight was called and we dashed on board, securing our bags into the compartment above the seats. We collapsed into our seats and let out a sigh of relief.

"We did it." Kai smiled as she fiddled with the the ring that was once her mothers. My face saddened. She was wearing it on a necklace the day we were taken. I shivered at the thought. No. We are starting over. We just escaped, meaning we can start over. Fix our lives until it's not the fucked up mess it is now. We know we'll never be normal, but that doesn't bother us. After three years with this shit we got used to it. I quickly pipped up back to my cheery mood before I ruin it. Kai yawned.

"You should get some sleep." I said. She shook her head and pulled out her iPhone which had giant cracks on the back, screwing up the elegance of the white layer that covered the front. The front was fine, only having a small crack at the top that wasn't small but not big enough to cross over her screen. She plugged in her earbuds and began blasting her music. The pilot announced take off and I waited until we were in the air until letting myself slump against my seat, falling into a sleep of darkness. I woke up when landing was announced and I quickly grabbed my red JansPort backpack and small black duffle bag and handed Kai her bright blue JansPort and gray duffle bag.

When the al clear for exit was announced, we practically ran off the plane, desperate to be back in American soils.

**Kai's POV**

I was jumping on the inside. I'm so close to having my life back. Though it won't be the same with these cursed powers. I took my navy blue beanie out of my bag and but it on. Adrian and I began walking toward the exit of Miami International Airport when I heard yelling. Someone rammed into me, knocking me to the ground. I gasped in pain as I landed on my arm, hearing a nice crack. Great. Fresh start and I already broke my arm. "Oh my god are you okay?!" A worried voice said. "Yeah. I'm fine." I grumbled. "I'm so sorry. I truly am." The stranger gasped and I still refused to look at his face. "Let me see your arm." He demanded.

"No." I said bluntly, still not looking up. He carefully grasped my hand and pulled it out, exposing my arm. It's swollen. It doesn't hurt enough to be broken though. Fractured maybe? "Oh my gosh, Kai! Are you alright!" Adrian yelled. I shrugged. "I'm fine." "No your not!" The boy insisted.

I finally decided to look up.


Blue eyes light brown hair and tan skin.

Adrian's POV.

Well they are having a moment. This is awkward their just starting at each other.

Should I?


The boy behind him whacked his head. That got his attention I chuckle to myself. "we are truly sorry about your arm..."


"Kai" he finishes.

"I'm Liam, this is Harry, Zayn Louis" Liam says laughing. "And this is Niall"

Niall walks up to my side and playfully gives his hand out and gives a cheeky smile. "Hello I'm Niall." I almost forget to shake his hand as he speaks to me. "Obviously" I laugh refer to Liam.

"And your names are..." Harry asked.

"This is Adrian and I'm Kai" Kai answers. "Hi Kai." Louis stupidly answers and Kai giggles. "Sooo you guys have anywhere to go?" Zayn, I think, asks me. "Uh no we don't actually. This was a last minute decision." I half lie. We weren't planning on coming so soon. This trip just... happened, I guess.

Me and Kai look at each other unsure of what to say until she speaks up. "Well we have to go nice meeting you guys." she says as she holds her arm. We start to walk away. Until I feel a hand on my shoulder.

"Uh c-can stay with us just for a little while until you know you find somewhere And until Kai gets her arm check out of course?" Niall nervously asks.

His eyes are a bright color of blue, fascinating really, eyes like that can make me do anything. "Sure" I say without my Brain processing the words before they come out. Kai jabs me in the ribs with her good arm, and looks at me. "Uhh give us a minute" Kai states. "What are you thinking?" She begins. "That we can be normal humans and live in a house like civilized people." I snap. she takes off her beanie and ruffles her hair. A habit of hers when she is stressed. "We will never be normal Adrian."

I take that in and sigh. "I know but they seem like nice people and-" she cuts me off. "That's what you said about Ashton and Luke, and look where that got us" she has a point but hey #yoloswag (What the actual fuck Diana? lol) am I right? On a more serious note if we get into any trouble we have our powers right? "Kai remember we have our powers if anything goes wrong *poof* we use that liquid thingy that was injected into us."


I mentally congratulate myself.

"Okay we will go with you, but only for a little while." The look on nialls and Louis face was priceless. "Really!" they say in unison.

out of no where we see niall and louis run up to us with the other boys laughing behind them. they sudddenly put us over their shoulder. me on niall and kai on louis. niall looks up at me and winks and i blush, finally noticing that they were just playing around. i look up at kai hoping she was feeling the same but she wasnt she was just smiling. maybe i should be the one loosining up a bit. It sounds childish but I thought they were gonna...take us. like you know before.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2014 ⏰

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