Sorta got the ideas from Marvel's, Logan trailers.
Its been 300 years since monsters were freed from the underground. 300, loooong, tiring years.
A few monsters have lived through those long years. How you ask? Well, Boss monsters don't age unless they have a child. Some monsters never had children, and so, never aged. Most killed themselves or died in the Slovak War about 100 years ago, but there are a handful that still exist.
G is one of them. His full name, Gaster Sans. He is a fusion monster. The rarest monsters of all. He was a lab accident, involving two innocent skeleton scientists. It took years, but the new fusion began to regain memories from his formers. He lost himself in that time, but then found himself after accepting his existence.
He spent most his time devoted to science like his formers, but he also loved music and traveling. He eventually got to travel the world, but not how he had planned. He ended up being drafted into the British Royal Army, for he was a civillian of England at the start of the 3rd world war.
The war that first put the earth into ruin.
After that, humanity had a rough time getting itself back together. It's like things went back to the late 19th century. It was pretty bad. The world tried desperatly to get back to the high tech and worldy era of the 21st century, but it didn't go very well.
Since then, the world has been up and down. At one point, steam punk became a reality, but again, war and humanities greed and anger won over.
At this point in time, much of the world seems to be dry deserts and airid mountains. Transportation was scarce. Large metal transporters were scarce themselves, and crossed contenents slowly in the dry, sweltering heat.
Well G lived in a small trading village in the Borra Desert. All the buildings were make shift shacks from anything they could find. G even had an old, moth eaten rug for a door.
Thats where he stood now, leaning on his crutches, watching the few children run by and wave at him. The skeleton smiled and waved back.
He was suprised the children liked him. Whenever he saw his reflection, he scared himself. His face wasn't as smooth, his cracks grew larger, and his eyes seemed more hollow. Every bone in his body was scratched or dinged up one way or another. Some burned, some broken and oddly healed back, some even chipped. And let's not start on the pains. Yes... he really felt like an old monster. And yet, he still managed to look like he was in his 40's. Just... scary. Like a skeleton should be.
He sighed at the sad thoughts and let his head drop a bit as he closed his eyesockets. A familiar noise though made him open one. The pitter patter of small feet running across the dusty ground was often heard, but this pitter patter had a special rythym. Every time.
G smiled and closed his eyesocket again. "Hello Y/N." His deep and wise voice stopping the footsteps.
"G! Look what I found you!" A small and cute voice called to the monster. G opened his eyesockets to see a little girl, (describe reader). She was holding up an old rusted D43 particle stabilizer 630(said as, six thirty).
"Woa.... Kitten where did you find this?!" The skeleton man gently took the machine from the little girl. Her cute hair bounced as she giggled and stood proud. "From the old Log Boats! Ah-!" She threw her hands over her mouth and her eyes went wide as she realized what she said.
"Y/N! You KNOW not to go out there! You could get hurt and die out there! No one would EVER find you!" G scolded the young girl. He was very upset.
The girl dropped her head and and gave a quiet, "yes sir." She was quick to jump to her own defence though. "But I'm bored with the Wind Breaks! There's nothing left there! The Ships graveyard is the PERFECT place to-"
ADOPT A STORY!!!! (Undertale Fanfiction)
FanfictionYou know how they have "Adopt a character" stuff? Someone draws a bunch of Ocs and then has a contest or lets people pick one they want to use? Well I'm doing that, with stories!!!! Sometimes you just can't get a good idea for a story, or just...