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DaNcingforever: I might not be able to do the talent show..... I'm so sorry Taekwoon.

DaNcingforever: My mother has something planned for me......

DaNcingforever: I'm so sorry. 

DaNcingforever: I was really excited........

VLeoV: You are still doing it.

VLeoV: I can talk to your mother. We didn't practice all of that for nothing.

DaNcingforever: TAEKWOON !! I said I can't.

VLeoV: you also said you didn't want to let me down. 

VLeoV: what is so important to you that you could blow off all of the work we have out into this?!

DaNcingforever: I can easily say that it isn't something I want to do.

DaNcingforever: I would much rather be with you, doing the things we love

DaNcingforever: Instead I am taking my mom to the police station, okay?!!!?! She had been abused by my father for years and is finally ready to report him

Read:2:34 am

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