Chapter 6

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I'm In Love with a Plumber

Rule Number Six:
Never judge a book by its cover,
Cause you'll never know what's behind those hidden pages.


Sakura didn't get a good night sleep at all last night. She kept turning back and forth in bed for some strange reason. She couldn't bring herself to fall asleep as a certain something kept lingering in her mind, but she didn't know what it was that had bothered her.

She left her house right after she woke up, skipping her father's breakfast altogether, which was somewhat a shock to both her and her father. Sakura had never skipped her father's breakfast—it just wasn't normal.

The cab pulled up slowly in front of the rotten, raggedy apartment building as Sakura stepped out hesitantly. She took in a deep breath and walked inside, wondering to herself what her so-called roommate was doing at that hour. Did he even notice that she wasn't back yet? Did he care at all? If he did, then why should she have cared? It wasn't like she cared whether he cared that she cared that he cared... Okay, enough.

What are his words doing to my mind!? She practically screamed aloud.

As soon as Sakura stepped into the lobby, she was greeted with a horrifying sight in front of her eyes. In the midst of the commotion was her brown haired roommate, shoved and pushed; not to mention suffocated between the gifts and the women that swarmed around him like a pack of hungry wolves. Syaoran met Sakura's eyes out of all the females that stood in the room. For some strange reason, Sakura's face started to heat up a bit just meeting his eye contact. His expression begged her to help him.

Sakura turned her head away, pretending that she didn't see anything. Serves you right for being such a daggon player.

"Li-san, we heard you got stuck in the elevator yesterday," one woman said. "You must've been so scared! I made you chicken soup."

Sakura snorted in her mind. Puh-lease! Chicken soup? He was stuck for like a few hours, not like he caught the flu.

"Try my green herb," another said quickly. "It helps to sooth your mind."

"Ladies, I am very grateful," Syaoran attempted to say. "But I can't accept your gifts."

"Why not?"

"Don't you like it?"

Sakura grinned evilly and started to walk away.

Li Syaoran, feel the evil claws of women.

She waved cutely to Syaoran as she walked by.

Ohh that sure made my day.


Sakura walked out into the living room with a dry towel around her neck, just in time to see Syaoran slammed the door close as he came running into the apartment. He leaned against the door, breathing breathlessly like a dog had been chasing him.

"Aren't you having a good morning?" She couldn't help but to tease him a little.

He sent her a quick glance over and arched his eyebrow into the air slightly. "Why are you so dressed up?"

Sakura looked down at her plunge terry tube and gave him a confused look. "Is the dress ugly?"

"N-no, it's not that." He started to stutter a bit. "Just why are you so... erm... dressy?"

"Can't I be?" was her answer before she turned around to walk towards the bathroom.

"C'mon, I can keep a secret." He followed her, standing in the doorway with his arms across his chest as he observed her slowly. "So, when is the date?"

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