24; Who said there wasnt such thing as happily ever after?

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Last day

"Ok where's my phone" I nearly shout at josh as I hop into the car.

"It hasn't been a month"
Josh replies smirking

"YES IT HAS NOW GIVE ME MY PHONE" I shout back at him.

"Mackenzie calm down we made the bet after school so it hasn't been a whole month yet" josh replies in a calm voice

"You seriously kill me josh"

"I know, but you still love me"

"I will when you give me my phone back"

As the school day goes on it seems more and more endless and I just get to the point where I cannot wait to have my phone back, about a week ago it wouldn't have made a big deal to me if josh gave me my phone back but the more I continued to think about it the more I want it back and the more I miss it.

The last bell finally rings. I jump out of my chair with my books already in my hands and hurry and exchange them for my backpack and bolt to Joshes car. For the first time in a month i beat him to it and I waited for at least 10 minutes for him.

Finally I see josh walk through the parking lot with that smirk he always has on his face.

"Okay hand it over" I say when he is close enough"

"Not yet" josh replies unlocking his car and opening the door for me sighing I get in and he goes to his side and gets in and he starts driving somewhere.

"Ok where are you going" I ask

"You'll see" he replies

Josh pulls up to our local park.

Confused I ask him why we are here.

He grabs his backpack then goes around to my side to open the door and he takes me over to the gazebo.

"So Mackenzie Ziegler, the girl who always accepted a dare." Josh states looking into my eyes

"Yes?" I reply

"I have one more dare."


"I dare you to go out with me"

Dumbfounded I stare into his eyes for just a moment more trying to completely take in what he just said. Josh dates older girls. He has never dated a girl younger then him. Josh as a matter of fact is the guy every girl wants to date and he wants to date me? This doesn't make any since, realizing I probably look like an idiot standing there with my mouth wide open I shut it.

"I accept your dare" at once me and josh step together closing the space in between us and he grabs my chin and then his lips crash into mine. A void that's been there for a long time a void of emptiness and feeling as though no need for existence just closed right before me.
I'm crying before I even know I am, noticing it josh pulls away and lays a hand on my shoulder looking genuinely confused he asks me

"What's wrong Mackenzie?"

" I don't know" I reply pulling away "I really don't know"

Josh looking both hurt and confused turns around and fumbles through his bag for a moment before pulling out my phone and phone charger.

He hands it to me and I turn it on, full charge.

"You charged it?" I ask.

"Yeah it's kind of like when you borrow a car you don't wanna return it on empty that's kindve how I felt about your phone" he shrugs.

"Thanks" I reply leaning in to hug him

I scroll for at least three minutes to get through all the notification the last one being exactly one month ago.

"You never tried to open it?" I ask

"Never, that's just a violation of privacy"

I smile and I open it. The first thing I notice is my background of me and Brynn. Well I will defiantly have to change that.

I open snapchat and frown realizing all my streaks are gone.

I decide to wait to open my Snapchats later and move on to Instagram. I decide I will just go through all of this later because there's just so much. I turn my phone off and slip it into my back pocket.

I look back at josh and lean on to hug him again. I don't know how long we sat here just hugging but after a really long time Josh's phone began buzzing. Josh pulls away and grabs his phone out of his pocket.

"It's your mom do you wanna answer it?"

I take it from him and answer the phone.

"Mackenzie Ziegler where on earth are you?" My mom nearly screams into the phone

"I'm at the park with um josh he just gave me my phone back I'm on my way home right now"

"You better be or you won't have that phone back for long" my mom replies ending the call.

"I um gotta get home" I say starting to walk towards Josh's car.

"Yeah of course" josh replies grabbing his backpack and following.

Once I get home I decide I'll just go ahead and tell my mom and maddie that I'm not single anymore.

"Hey mom"


"Josh gave me my phone back"

"I know"

"And he asked me to be his girlfriend"

"He asked you what?"

"To be his girlfriend"

"Well did you say yes?"

"Yeah" I reply sitting down

My mom just smiles and crosses the room to hug me.

"Why are we hugging?" Maddie asks entering the kitchen

"Mackenzies got a boyfriend" my mom replies in s sing song voice.

"AHHH really??" Maddie asks sitting next to me


"Is it josh? Did he give you your phone back?"

"Yep and yep" i reply finally being able to genuinely grin ear to ear.

"Ahhhh go sis!"maddie says wrapping me in a hug.


That night as I'm about to go to sleep, after I had checked all of my messages, I get a text.

It's from an unknown number and it says "good night beautiful I love you"

Knowing it's josh I reply "I love you too"

Before I go to sleep I save his name in my phone as

"My boyfriend❤️"

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