Every day I open and go to the mirror. Every day I see an overweight, horrible, untalented, and ugly kid staring back at me. My friends say otherwise but it's hard to believe that it's not true. I live like this every day and when I get to school I see a kid who picks on the weak because he himself is weak and incapable of anything. He picks on Omega and Theta, Epsilon, and I all try to help. I tried talking to him and grabbed his chair instead of admitting that I am stronger than him he said that I was fat. I already knew this and had been trying to eat less. Epsilon is now calling me a liar every time I say I'm not hungry but it's true I'm not hungry. Somedays I see other people I care about in pain and I don't know what to do. Every time I go home I look in the mirror and see the same kid each and every day.