Chapter One

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"Yo Gavin!" Davey, my best friend since grade-school, yelled. I glanced back and spotted his tiny frame darting between people in the huge after-school crowd, followed by a much larger, less graceful boy. 

"Hey Davey," I said once he caught up, just before he came flying at me. "Woah! Fuck man warn me next time!" I yelped, barely managing to  stay on my feet. He weighed about as much as a feather, but the momentum certainly off-set my balance. Davey only laughed before jumping off of me and rocking back on his heels, a wide grin plastered onto his pale face. Neil, the much less graceful boy mentioned previously, was standing behind him smiling.

"So, you ready for tonight?" He asked, completely casual, as if he hadn't just tried to tackle me to the ground. 

"I'm ready; Neil, are Karmine, Charlie, and Sune coming?" I asked.

"I think so, Charlie might not, I think she said something about a new coding project," The taller boy replied, running a hand through his curly brown hair.

"I hope she shows, Charlie's always really silly when she's drunk," Davey giggled, leaning against Neil. "Just like you, you always forget where you are." Neil blushed and glared at Davey, probably remembering our last escapade. Davey and I spiked his coffee with vodka and got him drunk off his ass. He proceeded to cry hysterically and ask everyone where his mother was. It was beautiful.

"Either way, I'm aiming to pick up some dude. Haven't had a good piece of ass in a while," I said, grinning. Neil looked at me like he'd just seen satan incarnated.

"Dude, you're so fuckin' gay," Davey giggled.

"No shit sherlock, so are you," I laughed, ruffling his red-ish brown hair. "Everyone knows you and Neil are just falling all over each other." I smirked, winking at Neil, who was so red in the face I though he'd catch fire.

"Aw shut up Gav," Davey whined, punching my shoulder lightly. "Neil. Piggy-back me to the car." He commanded, pointing one finger in the air like some regal-ass king commanding the peasant chickens of his land. Neil sighed and crouched down, allowing the tiny red-head to climb onto his back.

"We'll see you later, Gavin. We're meeting at Eternity, right?" Neil asked. I nodded confirmation.

"Yeah, see ya later you useless paperclip! Onward my steed!" Davey yelled, looking completely serious.

I chuckled and waved as they walked off. "Ow! Davey, don't kick me!" Neil yelped.

"Well, go faster!"

"I'm not gonna go faster if you keep kicking me!"

"Come oooooon."

"Snail mode."


I trotted over to my beat up little jeep, laughing at their antics as I went. Because of traffic, it took me a little over twenty minutes to get home. 

"Hey Soot," I said, scratching my moms small corgi-boy behind the ears. The tiny boy looked up at me with sad eyes and faked a smile, letting out a 'happy' woof. Personally, I don't really like the idea of human pets, it all seems a little inhumane and wrong to me. But, regardless of what I thought, Soot liked to be scratched. My mom wasn't always the kindest to him, so I tried to help him out whenever I could. "Hungry?" I asked. Soot nodded, glancing up the stairs warily. Mom never allowed him to talk, and he got whipped if she caught him. Rarely did she feed him properly; it was usually up to me to make sure he got the proper nutrition. Really, she never should have adopted him. Human pets are high maintenance, and she can barely handle herself.

After feeding Soot, I headed upstairs to shower. The corgi-boy followed at my heels, trotting effortlessly on all fours. I pitied him; the reduction surgery on his legs made him look a little weird, and since he had a life sentence it was unlikely he'd ever walk on two legs again. Regardless, he liked to follow me around, and I never stopped him. Except when I needed to change. He might have had his brain re-wired, but that didn't mean I wanted him staring at me!

I never really understood people who screwed their pets, I suppose it just doesn't appeal to me. It's legal in most states, as is nearly everything. Which is confusing, animal rights was a big thing when animals were actually around; what's the difference? 

"Go chill somewhere Soot, I gotta get ready for tonight." Soot woofed softly and slunk into my moms room, where his bed was located. Despite his general fear of her, he liked his bed, so he braved the room and curled up inside his kennel.

Alone, I stripped down and hopped in the shower. It took around five minutes to get myself clean, and nearly twenty to actually leave the warmth of the shower. I returned to my bedroom and layed out the clothes I'd wear later tonight. I had till eight, so there wasn't much of a rush. I threw on an old T-shirt and some boxers, deciding to lounge in my room for a while, leaving the door open for Soot. Supernatural (yes, the show is still running. I have no idea how. shush.) was on. I collapsed onto my bed to watch. After a few minutes, Soot slunk in and curled up on the foot of my bed, the only furniture he was allowed on.

I must have dozed off at some point, because I woke up to Soot yelping and my mom standing over me angrily. "Gavin! What have I told you about letting him on the furniture?!" She yelled, pointing at the cowering boy.

I scowled. "It's my bed mom, I choose who gets on it and who doesn't." 

"Bullshit, it's my house! Don't let the dog on the furniture!" she grabbed soot by the collar and dragged him out with her; he shot me a fearful look, but wagged his tail in a little act of reasurance. He would be alright, he always was.

My phone buzzed, and I realized that it was seven thirty. "Shit shit shit," I muttered, leaping up and throwing on my clothes. That was the easy part; now came my hair. I straightened it out quickly and brushed it into segments, then started to back-brush it in different directions until it looked obscenely crazy, like a giant white Pomeranian sitting on my head. Then, with hairspray and gel in hand, I finalized it. Davey and I had styled each others hair once, in rather insane fashions, and it just stuck.

I surveyed myself in the mirror while putting in my snake-bites; black skinny jeans, white and green vans, two spiked neon green belts, a black tank-top, and a neon green and black jacket. Satisfied, I phoned up Davey.

"Yo, Davey, we ready?" I asked, grinning at him. His hair, black and blue, stood nearly straight up on his head, waving up and to the left. He'd gotten really good at that look. 

"Hell yes motherfucker, Neil's going to pick up the girls now, we'll be at Eternity in twenty," He fist pumped happily.

"Alright, see you there man." I flashed him a piece sign and hung up.

A small whimper drew my attention from the phone. Soot, bloody and bruised, was leaning against the door frame. "Shit, she hasn't been this bad for a while," I muttered, beckoning him closer. He limped over and sat on the toilet seat, allowing me to clean and dress the bleeding stripes across his face and body, probably whip wounds. There was little I could do for the huge bruises across his chest and side, so I gave him a cold compress and some pain-killers to try and ease the suffering a little. There were a couple of ragged tears across his thighs, and probably worse at his groin. I was pretty sure my mom got off on hurting him, and it made me sick. "Sorry, but I'm not going near your dog-dick, can you take care of that yourself if I cover for you?" I asked, and he nodded. I stepped out, locking the door behind me, and waited for him to finish.

"Has mom gone out?" I questioned, once he emerged. He nodded once more, before speaking in his low, gravelly voice.

"Party," He said simply, his ears flattened against his skull. We knew what that meant; when mom was drunk she always treated him worse. She never touched me, because the first time she tried I messed her up pretty bad, but that made it all the worse for poor Soot.

"Come on, you can chill in the jeep while I'm in the club with Neil and Davey." I grabbed a couple of plush cushions from his bed and he followed me out to the jeep, now dressed in an overly large t-shirt that I'd given him. He curled up in the back, whining softly until I reached back to stroke his overly large ears.

Finally, I revved up the jeep and headed off. Tonight was a night for partying, and if anything I was gonna get drunk off my ass.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2014 ⏰

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