Dose he love me or not Soul X Maka

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Hi there my name is Maka Albarn and I have a really cool partner named Soul Eater me and him have been partners for 5 years and with that I have grown feelings for him and I just don't like him I love him should I tell him or just keep it to my self!!??

Maka POV : soul get up we have to go to school or well be late "Maka can you come here" now what soul I said in a annoyed tone  "I don't feel well can you stay here with me plz " soul said in a sweet voice I started to blush and said yes and then I said " ill be right back I have to call Lord Death to tell him will not at school today ok and he nodded and I left the room to call Lord Death and right after that I went to soul room and saw him sitting up with a scared face.

  Soul POV: Maka had blood a over here and I told her to wake up and not  to leave me and that I love here and she was die but she was gone then after that I heard my door open and saw a girl with ashy blond hair looking at me it was Maka she was not die it was all a dream them I was sitting up and stood up and gave Maka a hug and then we both fell to the floor and I was on top of her and  without noticing I kissed her and she kissed back and when I pushed away I told her Maka I love you.

Maka POV:  when I came back to soul room he got up and gave me a hug and we both fell to the ground I fell under him and he was on top of me and then out of no where he kissed me he really kissed me then I kissed him back and when he pushed way he told me Maka I love you and then I pulled him again and kissed him at first he was shocked and then he also kissed back and this time it was my turn to tell him Soul I love you too and we both started to kiss each other on the floor and I did not believe this he love me too I was so happy.

       CHAPTER 2

  Soul POV: maka now is mine and only mine I can't believe it she's my maka now "soul" maka said in a sweet voice "do you think we should tell the gang or keep it our security?" I never thought of  that maka I said in a confusing voice. Do you want to tell them? I said "YES" maka said getting up and giving me a maka smile like always. we both got ready to go and find our friends to tell them the news.

    Maka POV: me and my soul are getting ready to go and tell our friends about our new couple thing I can't wait.

     Kid POV:**ring ring *** I'm coming I screamed to the phone, yes I said "hey kid it's me maka"  " Oooo hi maka I say Whats up" can you guys meet us at the park?" " Ya why can I ask?" them the next thing I now maka had hang up on me o well we just have to see what she wants come on Liz and Patty.

    Maka POV: me and soul are on are way to see the guys at the park can wait to tell them the next thing I now we where there with out even noticing I saw Blackstar and the gang I started to get shy and not ready to tell them.

       Soul POV: maka looked scared to tell the gang abd I now that I was the one that was going to tell them o well I don't care "why did you make the Greate Blackstar come here" soul looked annoyed and maka looked shy and she was hidding behind soul, soul started to blush not cool soul thought to him self. so what was so important that you made use come to the park ,kid said " where now are something " soul said what do you mean Liz said " where a couple now thats what I meet " soul said in a annoyed tone maka just smiled and then the gang just was quite for about one minute and them came and gave maka hugs and advice and the guys gave me high fives and also gave me advice.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2014 ⏰

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