The Perfect Man

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says of hid prophet Shallallahu 'alai wasallam: verily, you (RasulAllah SAW) are on an exalted standard of character. (Al-Qalam :4)...

Sayyidatina Aisyah RA said: "His character was just a reflection of the Quran."

Imam al-Ghazali,in arguing that we should follow the example of RasulAllah SAW, say: "The intellect cannot attain to the mode of the working of the medicines of the heart, which are exercises of devotion, in their definitions and amounts, as defined and prescribed by the Prophet SAW..

With regard to this,the prophet SAW must be followed for he had attained unto these properties by the light of prophecy and not by meansof reason.

And just as medicines are made up of different kinds and amounts and some are double in weight and amount; and as a difference of these amounts there lies a secret belongings to their properties; so acts of devotion, which are the medicines of the diseases fo the heart, are compounded of actions, differing in kind or amount...

As prostration is double of bowing and the prayer of the dawn is half the prayer of the afternoon in amount; and in this there is a certain secret belonging to the properties which cannot be learned except by the lightof prophecy.

In a word, the prophets are the physicians of the diseases of hearts; and the only use and authority for reason is that it should teach us this, and bear witness to the truth of prophecy and to its own inability, and commit us to prophecy as the sick are commited to their physicians.

This is the work and bound of reason, and beyond this it may not go....

To be continued...

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