Part 1: Chapter 1

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Lannie went home happily from the clinic. She is pregnant.

Can't wait to tell him! I'm sure he is happy with this!

She called her mom.

"Mom, I'm pregnant! I'm a mother now!" She said with enthusiasm.

"Congratulations, hun!"

"Thanks, mom!"

"Did you inform, Jerry?"

"Not yet, I will tell him when he got home. I'm sure he'll be happy about this!"


In the evening, Lanie is preparing a dinner andJerry got home tired. She noticed his face is not happy.

" What's happened to your face, it seems you're blue," She asked with her hand on his waist.

" Work problems"

"What is the problem?"

" I'm worried if the company will be down sooner. Without the company, I'll be penniless"

"Don't easily get discouraged. I'm here with you. We will not be penniless"

"Without the money, we will not survive. The bakery of my mom' equipment is now glitch. I need to support her.. I'm just worried, Ani" She hugged him to give him comfort.

She doesn't know if she will inform Jerry or not coz he is freaking out about the financial. Though she can expense her pregnancy, how about their daily needs. They save a money in the bank, she is wondering why Jerry is very worried about the money. This is her first time to see him like that.

After the dinner, Lanie went to their master bedroom and seat on the edge of the bed and ponder what to do. She is not ready to tell that she is pregnant because Jerry is not in the good mood. She decided to tell it tomorrow, hoping he is in a good mood.


Next day, she woke up early to prepare a breakfast for them. She made pancakes and espresso. She made a salad and tuna sandwich for his lunch. She heard him calling while coming into the kitchen. He is now wearing his uniform. He looks handsome and neat. He gets the coffee and took a sip and kiss her cheek, then continue talking on his phone while walking towards the dining table and seats on the chair waiting for his breakfast.

" Good morning" She greeted him while she put his plate with 2 pancakes with a syrup on the table.

"Sorry, good morning to you too" He whispered.

"No phone in the table, rules" She warned him and get his phone and switch off.

"I guess we need to change our rules"

" why?" She answered before she sat on her chair across with him.

" You know, work"

" I see, but rules are rules. You can't change the rules anymore, remember you promise it"

"Ugh, but - "

"Just eat now so that you'll not be late" She sliced her pancakes into small pieces. Suddenly, his phone rang. "I'm sorry, I need to answer this "

Jerry stood up and said " Hun, I need to go now... bye! We will talk later if I'm not busy" He kissed her cheek and left.

"Wait! " She said He turned around.

"You forgot your lunchbox" she walked quickly towards him with his lunch box on her hand and put it inside his bag.

"Thanks! " He kissed her cheek again and left.

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