Chapter 21

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Weeks has passed Claudia and Annie were having serious talk about their business. Annie doesn't want to give up their business while Claudia is willing to give up for the sake of her daughter. Annie is still doubting to trust Roger. She thought of fooling them. What if he accused Ted. 

"Do you think Ted did this?" Claudia asked.

" I don't know..."

"Why don't we visit Lucy" Claudia suggest.

They arrived in the jail and talk with Lucy privately. It's been a long time since the last time they met. Lucy thought of them slapping her cheeks but they didn't. They just seat and stare at her seriously.  She knew why they are here.

"We are here to clarify something" Claudia said seriously

"About what?" Lucy said

" Is it true that you and Ted who started this mess?" Claudia ask

" Yes" She said. She tired of lying.

"So, Roger is right" Annie said

" Why did you do this to us?"

" because I love Ted. I support his dreams"

Claudia slapped her face suddenly. Annie cup her mouth in surprise. 

Lucy didn't fight back. She just stay in her seat and looking down.

"Why do you to this to us? To my daughter?We help you!  What do you want, Lucy! " Claudia shouted.

"  I know you can't forgive me. I tried to stop loving Ted but my heart won't stop beating for him. I just want Ted to be happy" She cried out

"Go to hell!" Claudia shouted and she and Annie walk towards the door

"Protect Lanie from Ted" Lucy said 

Annie and Claudia stop and turn around to face her

"She's in danger" Lucy said

"Is there a way to stop this?" Annie asks

Lucy nodded


Lanie and Charlie are having a bonding.  They go to the science museums and zoo. In the afternoon they go to the park for picnic.  They play catch and hide and seek. 

Minutes later, Lanie can't find Charlie while they are playing hide and seek.  She look for him in the park. She is worried sick.

Meanwhile Jerry is strolling the park. He saw Charlie running while crying. Jerry approached him.

" Are you lost? "

" I want my mommy " He cried out.

" let's look for your mommy " Jerry get his napkin from his pocket and wipe out his tears.

Jerry hold her hand and start looking for Lanie.
" I lost my son" She called Roger.

" I'm sending now the guards to look for Charlie.  Just stay there and I will go there "

Charlie saw her mommy and he let go Jerry's hand and ran away towards Lanie.

" mommy! " Charlie shouted

" Charlie!?!" Lanie ran towards him and hug him. 

" Charlie, where did you go?  Next time we won't play this game in the park again ever. 

" Mommy, a mister help me" Charlie said as he turns around to face Jerry who's watching them.

Lanie looked at Jerry with her eyes widened and look at Charlie again. Their eyes met. 

" Lanie " Roger called out her name watching her and Charlie.  He looks at Jerry.

" Dad! " Lanie turned around to face him and carry Charlie with her arms and walk towards him ignoring Jerry. 

" I need you to put Charlie in the car right now. Go now " She said firmly. 

" Is that my son? " Jerry approached him.

" No" She turns around to face him and give him piercing look

" Don't lie "

" You disown him. So don't you ever expect I will let you see my son! "

" I have to tell you say something "

" I know everything. You don't have to explain! Go away!  I don't want to see you anymore! Don't come to my life again!"

She walked quickly towards the car. He followed her. She gets inside immediately at the passenger seat where Charlie and Roger sat waiting for her.. She orders the driver to go now.  The car starts the engine and drove out before Jerry will block the way. 

" Mom, why is he chasing the car? " Charlie asked

" He is psycho. Don't go with him ever".

" But he helps me looking for you "

" Charlie, listens to me I need you to stay away from him because he is a very bad man" He held his face to looked at her.

" You know him? "

She looked at Rogers to ask permission if she will tell Charlie truth.

" He hurt me "

" Why?"

" He won't come back. I will protect you no matter what happens. I'm your guardian angel.  She pulled him to hug

" I wish daddy is here to protect us " Charlie said. 

In the morning Roger went to Jerry's office surprisingly.

" Enter " Jerry said

" Hello Jerry" Roger said as he enters the room.  Jerry's eyes widened in surprise as he saw him. 

" Roger " He said in surprised

" I'm here to talk with you for a moment "

Jerry escorted him to the pantry to talk alone.  Jerry gave him a cup of coffee. Roger took it and put it on the table.  Jerry sits across with him.

" Stay away from my daughter " He said firmly 

" Why?

" In the first place you are the one who divorced her and now you are bothering her.

" Coz I need to talk with her desperately, but she's avoiding me "

" How important is that?  So that you can have her again just like that?"

" I want to clarify everything behind our divorce"

" Even you told her the truth I won't let you have her again. You can't have her whatever future plans made by your father. Tell your father that Roger is here to protect her daughter" He stood up and walk towards to the exit.

" You are an evil! You brainwashed her! " Roger shouted.

Roger sighed and stop walking, that was harsh.  He remains calm. He turns around with a placid appearance on his face.

"  You are disgrace man for leaving your wife for your parents' scheme and now you want her back.  I feel bad for you. I thought you're a  man but you're not.  You are just a boy" he said sternly and proceed to the exit immediately. He doesn't want to waste his time arguing with an imbecile. 

Jerry dialed Amanda's contact number. 

"Amanda I have to tell you something about just happened today" He said

"And I have something to tell you too" She said.

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