Disaster is Inevitable

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/Disaster is always bound to happen. If you stack the cards.../

Kyoya had a sinking feeling as he ran though the death trap that was his brilliant school. What happened you ask? An idiot with a death wish.  


Kyoya noticed an uneasy look on Akimitsu's face as he entered the prestigious Ouran Academy. Kyoya simply wrote it off as a bad morning. Unfortunately he was terribly wrong, for Akimitsu had been planning this day for months. This would be the day he got pay back, revenge for the cruel treatment from his peers. To Akimitsu it didn't matter if he was in D class or A class he was still a person worthy to attend the school. But others saw it differently, being consistently teased for his rank and naivety. /I'll show them./ he had thought, he decided to take his time and create the perfect plan. Akimitsu was gonna shoot up the academy, he would get his revenge if it killed him. Kyoya walked into his first period class and pulled out his books as he heard gunshots scattered through the hall along with screams. 

~end flashback~ 

Now here Kyoya was sprinting to his boyfriend's history class. He had just seen him this morning, Tamaki's class was just on the other hall, but it couldn't feel farther away. Kyoya heard screams coming from the class /no no no no/ he looked around the door and saw Akimitsu standing near the teacher holding a gun to their head. Kyoya had to get Tamaki out. He could see the terror that covered his face. Kyoya entered the room with out the shooter noticing and crossed to Tamaki. He held him close for a moment trying to reassure him. Then Kyoya's worst fears were realized as he heard the click of the hammer of a gun. "Shit" he whispered.  

"Think you're gonna be a hero do ya?" Akimitsu spat spitefully. Akimitsu then pulled the gun away and grabbed Kyoya by the collar and threw him to the cold tile floor. Kyoya then heard another thump and whimper, he looked over to see a petrified Tamaki laying on the floor merely inches away. "Trying to save your boyfriend, faggot?" Akimitsu said venomously. Kyoya then did something Tamaki never thought he would hear Kyoya do.  

The Kyoya Ootori begged, not for his own life though but for Tamaki's. "Please,please kill me let him go. He hasn't done anything. I'm the one you want. Kill me please. I'm the hero remember? Please, you can get out. Just leave him. Please,please."Kyoya rolled off reasons as tears streamed down his face.

Everything got quiet for a moment as if there was a hopeful vibe in the air, maybe they will get out alive.

A gunshot rang through the hollowed halls of Ouran Academy. Kyoya flinched as he heard a pained gasp come from his best friend. "No no no." He turned to Tamaki's who was holding his chest gasping. Then another gunshot. Pain shot through the youngest Ootori, a burning pain seared to his very soul. Everyone cried out as a shocked Akimitsu ran from the scene. Everyone stood and ran for help and safety.

"I'm sorry" Kyoya gasped. "I was supposed to save you. I was supposed to get us out." Kyoya sobbed out.

"It's okay mon amour, we were never going to get out." Tamaki weakly smiled. His breaths labored as he tries to scoot closer to his boyfriend. Blood covering their blue pristine blazers.

"T-Tamaki" Kyoya chokes out "I don't want to die" Kyoya sobs no longer looking of his refined and collected self, but that of a child who is afraid of the monsters under their bed, and other senseless fears. /Is this what death does to even the strongest of us?/

Tamaki just places a bloody hand on his face and kisses him for the last time. "To die by your side" he breathes "is such a heavenly way to die"Tamaki give another beautiful grin as tears stream down his beautiful face wanting it to be the last thing Kyoya sees as Kyoya's breathing becomes shallow and soon nonexistent.

Tamaki reaches for his glasses and holds them to his heart as he stared into those beautiful brown eyes that once held so much life. He looks into the unseeing orbs.

"I will always love you mon amour, see you soon" His breathing became shallow and everything went black.

/the cards will eventually fall/


I got the idea for this oneshot while surfing tumblr at one in the morning. I hope you liked it cause I cried writing this. I would love to hear your thoughts and flames and emotions. Don't be scared to comment.  

~artist one. ÇᎪssᎥᎪ~

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