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I let out a groan, standing in the very, I mean very long line for a summer job. Maybe I should have just accepted my aunt's proposal to travel with her circus? I would've been paid more and got free food.

Thankful I was smart for once and got into line early, maybe two hours ago? I hadn't really cared for the time. When it came to be my turn, I stepped forward to the placement worker. It was obvious she was done with today. Sitting down, I hand over my papers, waiting for her to start. "Name please?" She says in an exhausted tone.

"[Y/n] [L/n]."


"18, I've already graduated high school." She let out a 'hm' in response, looking over the papers.


"Adeline [L/n], no father." The lady gave me a look before scribbling things down. I refused to ever admit that man was my step-father.

"Miss [L/n], do like animals?" I had to stop myself from responding. Come on, [Y/n], be professional, no cursing right now.

"I love them." Not really caring for what I've said, she hands me a paper for a job.

Needed: Temporary worker for two weeks.

Duties include: Ticket selling and cleaning up after performance

PS. Housing and board room are provided.

My face lit up after realizing this was for a family owned circus! This was just my luck, I had seen flyers for it and in the ads. "Well do you want the job?" The lady says, looking at me annoyed.

"Yes Ma'am!" The worker hands me a card with an address.

"Be there at 6 in the morning. Next!" She shouts, shooing me away. Who the hell gets up that early!? I sigh, hopping into my friend's car that she so kindly let me borrow. Heading back to her house, I enter it without knocking.

"I'm back bitches!" I scream it didn't take long to hear scratches on the ground as three dogs came charging at me with a cat trotting behind them. "SHIT NO!" I should have seen it coming as the dogs charge into me, causing me to fall on the ground.

"Welcome back [Y/n]," Aria says, skipping down the stairs. "Please tell me my car is in one piece and you got a job." Sitting up, I push the mutts away, patting the german shepherd on the head.

"Yes to both, you won't have to see me for two weeks. I got a job at the circus and I have housing provide."

"That's good to hear. My dogs will finally spend some time with me." she snorts, heading towards the kitchen.

"Not my fault animals love me." I sigh, getting up and dusting my butt before following her. "Ugh, I don't want to go home but I need to see my mama."

"Oh that's right, the bitch of a step-father is there. I forgot he kicked you out."

"Mom was pissed, I've never seen her so mad at someone before." I grab an apple, biting into as Aria grabs something from the pantry.

"I'm not surprised, your mother adores you." That was very true

"Dude, I'm her little angel. Joe just fucks everything up. I'm really upset over the fact that she's having his child."

"Isn't she due in like 6 weeks? How are you going to handle that?"

"I'm leaving, I don't know where I'm going but I'm gone. Maybe after these two weeks, I'll travel with my aunt." Aria laughs at my statement, commenting on how my hate was real.

"I was wondering, isn't Joe religious? No wonder you guys clash, you believe in more than one god and don't really care for that stuff."

"My mom used to take me to church but after telling her I didn't believe in a single god, she stopped going. My family took it well, even after I came out as pansexual and my refusal to have kids." I suddenly get up into her face with a gasp. "Do you know what he told me? He said 'What if your husband wants kids, not adoptive ones?'"

"I'm sure you said something to tick him off."

"I said, 'then he can kiss my ass, and why does it have to be a husband? What if I get myself a wife. Or even better both, poly-relationships man.' He was upset while mom was laughing her ass off."

"[Y/n], you're such a ball of sunshine." Aria comments, grabbing her keys. "Come on, I'll take you to her house and get pizza then we can have a movie night. You better go to sleep by 9 though, your such a bitch when not getting enough sleep." I chuckle, following her outside and waving the animals good-bye.

The moment after stepping out of the car, Aria sped away, leaving me alone in front of the pearl white house. Sucking in my breath, I didn't even ring the bell and walk right in. The first thing that was noticeable was the sweet smell of chocolate. "Mama! Did you make cookies?!" I scream, running into the kitchen. Her beautiful laugh fills the room while putting the pan down.

"Why wouldn't I? My little bird is here." Adeline giggled, walking over to me and presses kisses onto my cheeks.

"It's been a week and we talk on the phone every day." I smile, bathing in her affection. Mom always knew how to make someone feel loved without  making it weird.

"I know, but it isn't the same to have you around. I wish Joe didn't make such a dramatic move with kicking you out. Like does it really matter that your 18?"

"Mom, if you had a pick, you would keep me forever." I tease, stepping away from her and grabbing a cookie.

"I know, but you're my pride and joy." I mutter bitterly.

"I'm sure the baby will replace that." Mom sighs, rubbing her pregnant belly.

"Honey, you will always be my most favorite. No need to get jealous."

"I'm not jealous." I hiss, eyeing the laughing grown-up. Nah, I was totally jealous.

"Anyways, did you get a summer job?" Adeline grabs some of the dishes, setting them in the sink and turning the oven off.

"Oh yeah, I get to work at a circus for two weeks."

"That sounds fun! You should've just went with my sister, though, knowing her, she will pay you twice as much." I groan, saying I already thought of my mistake, adding, my idea after the summer job, I might go travel with Aunt Mia.

Mom looks at the time and a scowl appears on her face. "Joe is going to come home in 5 minutes, so heads up-"

"Fuck that," I state, grabbing wrapping paper and putting them over the cookies. "I'm taking these an leaving, bye mother." I quickly kiss her cheek and walk away.

"Be sure to at least share with Aria!" Was the last thing she yells as I shut the door, walking away from the house. Sending a text to my, pretty much, roommate, I ask her to pick me up down the emerald road.

Four minutes later, the familiar car pulls up next to my walking form. Aria questioned the cookies and how it went, laughing at the fact that I downright stole the cookies. She took off down the road to her house, making me hold the cheese pizza. Little Caesars and breadsticks were the best.

Just like she promised, Aria puts on Transformers while snacking on the cookies and getting drinks set. I learn that her parents weren't going to be home until midnight, so that meant we could be retards. As the movie came to an end, Aria shoos me off to sleep, saying to take a shower in the morning. Thinking about it, I agree with her opinion.

Brushing my teeth, I skillfully unclip my bra, tossing it somewhere in the room and comb out my hair. Stretching like a cat on the bed, I flop down, cuddling into my pillow. It wasn't long till the reaches of sleep welcome me. Giving me a sweet dream, oddly enough of two pretty ass tigers who look like Ying and Yang.

Tiger Love [Ren X Reader X Kishan]Where stories live. Discover now