Enter: (Y/n)

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“You next target in the girl. You have the file.” I read on my phone, an alert message popping up and I tapped on it. A download symbol appears then I read the file. Typical blondie with amber eyes. Easy clean up.

“Yes sir.” I growl and pick up my sniper rifle, leaning out the window to scope for my target. I found her easily, surrounded by multiple people I was classify as her friends.

“Tué.” I mumble in french and pull the trigger, her body tottering a few times then collapsing. Screams echoed softly from my spot as I loaded up and darted out on down the stairs to hide. As I ran, I took my huge weapon apart to store it for later.

‘Good work. Report back.’my phone dinged and I ran towards the direction of my calling. Base.

“No need to report fully. But you have a new mission.(y/n), You’ll be taking one three targets. Alone.” My boss growled and I glared at him, although I couldn’t see him because of the chair he had that faced him away from me.

“Why alone sir?” I ask carefully. He mutters something I don’t hear then he sighed.

“It’s a test.You’re an elite along with a few others. Now go. You have the files but you will go to schooling first.I’ve enrolled you so follow them and don’t let them out of your sight. We are playing with our own kind.” He told me and I bowed.

“Hunters? How fun.” I tell him with a smile as I exit the room, going straight to my own rural place to change and act like a civilized human for a while.

“This is (Y/n) (L/n). She’s a new student. Tell us something about yourself.” the teacher, Miss Lensingly.(Len-sing-leh) said and I glared at her for a second, not really wanting to talk.

“W-Well… Um… I’m pretty ordinary…  and a killer sense of humour.” I hint lowly at who I was but play it off as I smile and blush with everyone's eyes on me. Miss Lensingly stared at me then sighed.

“No, I mean something like where you are from and why you’ve moved. Tell us something about yourself.” She said flatly and I felt angry, holding in most of it.

“Well…  if you wanted to know, I’m here because I'm on a mission- to make friends. I think that's why I’m here. My parents kinda think I’m anti-social.” I catch myself and make up a quick lie. She nodded then pointed at a seat for me to take. I sat down, right next to my target, aka, Jeffrey Woods. He looked exactly like I read, Blue eyes and brown hair, almost black. Next to him was my second target. Green eyes and brown hair, Jack. Both were easily taller than me. And I had yet to find the last one, Helen Otis. He apparently had blue eyes and black heir, known for wearing blue clothing.

“Miss (y/n)! Pay attention!” Teacher yelled and I reached, instinctively to my bag which held my knife.

“O-Oh sorry… It’s not time to go?” I ask, playing it off again as she stood in front of my desk, glaring down at me. I pulled my hand back up to the desk, reaching for a pencil just as my phone buzzed. It rang and I pulled it out, checking the caller once before getting up and leaving the class, Miss lensingly calling me back a few times as I ran to the my locker

“Sir?” I ask, waiting for orders or a speech.

‘You can kill them as soon as you want. I’ve already taken you out of school. Just get rid-’ the call stopped, static erupting in my ear as I dropped it away, shocked. I quickly snatched the small device and ran back to the class, picking up my bag and searching for my knife. Then my pistol. Once both were in my hands I left the room, some screaming. They screamed because I unloaded a clip on the window and left that way.

I made my way towards base, noticing blood splattered along the way. I pulled at my shirt rather than the normal armour I would wear.

“Sir? Are you okay?” I call out as I step into the darkness of my base. Not a sound was heard though.

“(Y-Y/n)!” He called out a few minutes later and I hurried towards him, his body laying on the ground, blood everywhere.I could tell because of the single light above him.

“What happened? Was it the new hunters?” I ask, trying to stop the blood on his side. He shook his hand to shoo me away.

“You’re not a hunter. You’re… a prey now…” He coughed as I stared at him, almost confused.

“I’m a hunter. I’ll kill whoever did this to you sir. I must go now.” I tell him, bowing my head then stabbing him to finish the job.

My phone buzzed once again, notifying me of my targets closeby. I changed into my torn outfit and grabbed my rifle, making my way to the roof and waiting for the trio to get over here. I did see them, but not quite of who I thought. They looked freakishly insane, being torn up or injured in a way it looked permanent. Except Helen. He looked normal. I trained my weapon on the smiling freak, probably Jeff, and pulled the trigger. The loud shot echoed in the silence as I watched him fall, a wound in his chest. I did it to the blue masked male, I was guessing Jack… both of them immediately got back up, all three of them looking at me so I ditched my gun and ran, fearful now that I had turned into the prey with inhuman people unable to die chasing me. I lept down, skillfully darting away. I knew I was untraceable after doing this for so many years, I left nothing… until today but even that was impossible because I wore gloves most of the time, washing down my gun and even making sure it was still in prime condition. Even for such a huge thing.

I was able to go back to school where I was arrested and taken down to the shop. I was questioned a lot but I remained silent. I was bailed out though. It was automatic for me. Most of the force knew who I was and let me go as I normally helped them take down massive killers and others like that.

Being a diffrent person. (BloodyPainter/HelenOtisXReader) Where stories live. Discover now