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Narrator POV
*Knock Knock*
Mc has now arrived at the place she was meant to meet with the person who was on the phone, texing her from before. Mc knocked on the door nervously as she was still hesitating about whether she should enter or not. But she did it anyway.

She then turns the lock over as there was no reply as she was still waiting for someone to speak or to open the door.
The door then creaks open slowly.
'The doors open?'
'And why is it so dark in here?'
"...Hello...?" Mc then walks in.
"Is anyone in here?" Mc said and the room echos with her voice.
'This is a bit creepy...' Mc thought to herself as she folds her arms and rubs her arm as she feels the chill.


"W-who is it!?" Mc shouted as she was shocked and searched around as they was no one who was standing near or infront of her.

"Mc... is it?" A girl's voiced asked.

"Y-yeah." Mc answered.

"Come here."

"...Where?" Mc asked.

"Aish! I'll come down then." She said and comes down, turning on the lights.
"Follow me." The girl said and Mc followed her to the livingroom.

They sat on the couch and stayed silent.

"...You must have alot to ask. Go ahead." She said.

"... What is it that you want to tell me? And who are you? How do you know my number? ...And how do you know Mark...?" Mc asked.

"Woah! Woah! I know you have alot to ask but still!"
"Anyway, so my name is Amy. And I'm sure you've seen me before." Amy said.

"...I'm sorry but I've never seen you. So just tell me what you want to tell me about Mark!" Mc said and folds her arm as she takes a seat.

"Geez. I don't even get why Mark likes you so much." She sighs.
"Anyway, I'm the girl you saw who Mark was kissing from a few years ago."

"And you still dare to show up infront of me!?" Mc stood up as soon as she heard that and gets her hand up, ready to smack her but she wouldn't be able to do so.

"Geez! Calm down would ya?" Amy asked as she had her arms fold.

"What is it that you want from me?" Mc asked and calmly takes a seat again.

"If I said I want Mark, would you give him to me?" Amy asked.

"Do you think I would be stupid this time to give you to him!? Now that I'm with him again, I'm not gonna miss a chance or am I giving him to anyone! He's not a toy! Mark is mine! And forever will be!" Mc shouted.

"...Then are you confident that you will make him happy?" She asked as she raises her eyebrow.

"Then if he's with you, do you think he will be happy?" Mc asked.

"Are you asking me back now?" She smirks.

"I'm not sure whether he will be happy in the future or not, or even maybe we might not be together in the future but right now, I'll treasure him and make him happy with my way." Mc explained.

"..." She stayed speechless.
"You can come in now!" Amy shouted and someone comes walking in.

'...Who...?' Mc asked herself.

"...Uh...hi...?" Mark greeted Mc awkwardly.

"W-why are you here!?" Mc asked.
"Are you here to meet her?" Mc asked and glares at Mark.

"No!... Actually well, yeah... I guess so." Mark said.
"Well I received a text from her and stuff so yeah. And heard you..." Mark explained and blushes shyly.

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