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"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage." - Lao Tzu


*Vivian Santos*

"Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Reid!" the guests all chanted. Everyone was gathered in Rossi's backyard for the wedding ceremony and reception. My mom had modified her wedding dress and my dad offered to be the photographer. The ceremony itself was kept very simple, but Rossi insisted on planning the reception, and neither Spencer or I objected because that meant less money on our part. Everyone that we knew was in attendance, the team, other friends from the bureau, and our families. 

"I would like to make a toast," Morgan said, standing up with his champagne glass raised. He had served as the best man and everyone quieted down to hear what he had to say. "This kid right here, fell in love with SSA Vivian Santos the moment she walked into the BAU," he said and everyone chuckled. "I knew that it was only time until she felt the same way about him." I looked over at Spencer who was blushing slightly and I kissed his cheek. He was still the adorable, awkward self.

"It's a beautiful thing, you know, watching two people fall in love," Morgan continued. "My team and I had the pleasure of watching these two fall in love, and I think I speak for everyone when I say that we would watch it again and again. To the newly wedded couple!" He raised his glass in the air and everyone followed suit. "Also, I would like to be the first one to do this." Morgan started to clink his knife against his glass and everyone started cheering. Spencer and I smiled at each other and he gently pulled me into a kiss.

If you were to tell me nearly one year ago that this would be my life now, I probably wouldn't believe you. But, now as I sit here married to the love of my life, I believe that anything is possible. Being transferred to the BAU led me to Spencer, to this new life, to a new kind of happiness.

It goes without saying that losing a few important people along the way caused a few complications, but people like Daniel and Cecilia made me who I am today. Sure, I miss them and think about them all the time, but what keeps me going is the thought that they are in a better place now. 

I like to think that they're in a better place now because I am in a better place now. I'm starting a new life with Spencer and the rest of the BAU. It's been one hell of a journey, but the important thing is that I made it. I made it, and I'm happy. That's really the most important thing of all.

"I believe in true love, and I believe in happy endings. And I believe." - Christie Brinkley

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