Chapter 10: Fix You

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(a/n): It's summer so I'll be updating a lot more. I have nothing to do so writing and summer assignments will be my main priority.



For some reason, Louis telling me everything involved getting up before the sun and driving for two hours. I'd lived in this area my whole life, and I'd only ever been to this particular beach once.

It was a dangerous area because of all the rocks and the steep drop that led into the ocean. I was no daredevil, and neither was my mother so I was never actually allowed to go.

Louis didn't talk the whole way there. I stayed awake anyway in the hopes that he would say something. Anything would have been better than his silence.

He would randomly turn on the radio and then turn it off. He kept looking in the rear view mirror. He kept checking to see if we were being followed.

I never knew that Louis liked beaches. But then again, I never really knew Louis either. When we arrived, he let down the windows and his whole body seemed to relax. 

"He didn't just try to kill me, Harry" Louis mumbled.

"What?" I gasped. Confusion was a common thing with Louis. He was the most confusing person that I'd ever met.

"He beat me for months and I just-"

His sentence broke off and he took a shaky breath. He ran his hands throughout his hair and sighed.

"I've never told anyone this before and it's hard because I was, I am, so scared of him." Louis said sadly.

"You don't have to tell-" I started.

"I do. I do have to or you won't ever understand me," he smiled, "I want to be with you, Harry."

"And I want to be with you, Louis" I smiled back.

"So I have to tell you." he blinked towards the beach and sighed again.

"The first time he hit me I thought it was a one time thing. Then he broke my wrist, my arm, my jaw. Not all at once. He broke a rib and punctured my lung and that's when my mom stepped in. She said that if I didn't go to the police, that if I didn't leave him, she would kick me out." he shook his head.

"Louis I-" I started to apologize.

"I live with my aunt now. I didn't leave him."

I froze. Again, I was confused. I never understood why people stayed with their abusers.

"He said he loved me. That he would never hurt me, and honestly I was just a dumb kid. I still am."

"Harry I tried to tell the police and he said he would kill me so I didn't and I moved again, that's how I ended up with this aunt. And now I'm always worried that he'll find me. I'm constantly anxious. I have panic attacks. I just kinda freak out sometimes" he said quietly.

"Like in the cafeteria" I thought outloud.

"Yeah. You remember that?" Louis smiled softly. He looked a bit embarrassed.

" I remember everything about you, Louis." I whispered.

We looked at each other. Any words spoken at that point could not have accurately described the way we felt. Our eyes did all the necessary talking. Within each of Louis' eyes was a mix of love, fear, hope, and something else. Something just for us.

"So there's the truth" he whispered.

"So there it is." I smiled.

Louis hopped out of the car and ran to the edge of the waves. He turned and saw me and smiled a little. He motioned for me to come closer.

And standing there, on that long stretch of beach, with a boy whose eyes matched the ocean, I felt like I had a new understanding of my life.

I wasnt sure at the time what all I'd realized. But I knew one thing: that Louis could be mine. I could get the imperfect boy who is perfect for me. I could be happy. I could be in love.

When I walked closer to Louis he smiled and took my hand.

"Still interested?" he laughed. He was smiling but I could hear the fear in his voice.

"Of course." I smiled, trying to be reassuring.

"If we do this. If we are a thing. If I- just don't try and fix me." he pleaded, looking down.

"I'm not going to try and fix you, Louis. I'm going to try my hardest to be the best boyfriend that you've ever had." I smiled. I was tearing up.

Louis smiled up at me. He was crying too.

"Thank you, Harry." he grinned as he leaned in to kiss me.

I smiled as I leaned into the kiss.

He was mine.

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