The truth or maybe not?

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When Wonho finally stepped out of the bedroom and sits down next to Minhyuk in the kitchen Changkyun is glad the wait is over and he can't hear Kihyun's sobs anymore.
But when Hyungwon asked Wonho if he wanted a coffee and Wonho said yes he knows he has to wait until the coffee is ready.
He hates it to wait. He wants the truth now because it didn't seem like Wonho found Kihyun like that for the first time and he seemed to know why Kihyun had been afraid of Shownu who was actually a big cuddly bear.
He takes in a deep breath when Wonho finally has his coffee, takes a sip and looks like he's going to talk now.
"It actually wasn't our plan to tell you about this and I want you to promise me to not give Kihyun the fault for what had happened and how he is because of it, okay?"
They all nod but Wonho still looks pretty unsure about telling them.
"Kihyun found his soulmate once",he starts.
"It was around April 1992 when he found him and everyone was happy for him."
Wonho takes in a deep breath before he continues talking.
"It was the 18 June 1992 when he called me crying and told me about the real self of his soulmate."
He stays silent for a moment to see the reactions of the others.
"That's the day Shownu was born", Minhyuk remarks.
"The Son Hyunwoo from 1992 was an abusive and aggressive asshole that wasn't pretty nice to Kihyun. And it was June 18 1992 when Kihyun fought back. And he's not to blame for that."
No one knows what to say. It stays silent for almost ten minutes when actually Shownu is the first one to brake the silence.
"That's why he's afraid of me?", he asks.
"It's not you he's afraid of. It's more the memory of his old soulmate", Wonho explains.
"He came here because of you. I always told him that the next version of his soulmate would be different and... you are different. You're nice and all. Maybe it helps Kihyun get better. He has those nightmares and panic attacks since then..."
Changkyun hates the silence.
"So Kihyun and Shownu are...?", he asks.
"Yes, they're soulmates."
"How do you know that every next version of a soulmate is different?" Hyungwon had been quiet until now but Changkyun would lie if he said that he hadn't thought about asking that too.
"Because of my brother", Wonho starts. He seemed like he didn't want to talk about it but he just smiles sadly and continues: "Before I met Kihyun I traveled around with my brother. He always told me that he wanted to find his soulmate and help me find mine but all the time..."
Wonho stops for a moment.
"All the time he was hunting and killing his soulmate. He did that to stay young forever. Shortly before the police found him he told me everything...that you had to kill your soulmate and that it didn't work if another person did it and just all of it. I couldn't believe what he was saying and I never saw him again after the police got him."
Those silence again. It was nerve wrecking for Changkyun.
Wonho stands up. The talk was over for him and no one made an attempt to follow him. It was a pretty dark background Wonho just told them about.
"We should all go to bed", Hyungwon says and is the first to stand up and walk back to the bedrooms.
Minhyuk and the others follow him soon after but Changkyun tells them he's going to get something to drink first.
Of course he didn't stay up to get a drink. He went down the stairs where he saw Wonho going after they talked.
He found the elder leaning against a black car. He was smoking. A cigarette between his lips.
Changkyun walks over and leaned against the car next to Wonho.
"You're smoking?"
Wonho just nods.
"Just when I'm stressed or have to talk about this", he answers.
"And yes, the car is mine", he quickly adds when he sees Changkyun's gaze lingering on the car.
"You lied."
Wonho turns around to look at Changkyun. His eyes scanning his body from head to toes.
"What do you mean?", he asks.
"You lied when you talked about your brother. I don't know why I think that but I'm sure about it. It's like a feeling deep inside of me. But I'm not going to asks you for the truth now", Changkyun explains.
"Because someday you'll tell me the truth. Maybe not today or tomorrow but maybe in a few years. I'll wait. I know it's worth it."
Changkyun stands up straight right after he finished talking.
He leaves without waiting for a reaction of Wonho.
He meant what he said.
He'll find out the truth.
Sooner or later.

Just had to get that off my chest. So do you think I.M is gonna find out the truth?

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