Guitar Strings

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Aubrey's pov:

"Aubrey!!" I heard my mom yell from downstairs. I groaned and rolled out of my cheap yet comfortable bed. I look at my mess of a bed and groaned. I usually  follow the "Why make your bed if your going to get back in it" rule but I decided to do it since it would be the last time I would have to even think of doing the task for months. 

"Aubrey!!"My mom yells.

"I'm up " I yell the cabinet door opens and closes as she frantically makes breakfast. I quickly tucked the bed sheet corners in to the head board of my bed . A huge knot in my stomach got bigger as I walked to the bathroom. I spent my whole life nervously preparing to go around the world . I  spent the whole weekend practicing guitar and preparing for the tour While everyone of the other musical students   at my college where out partying and jeopardizing there chances of ever getting into the music industry.

When I got the letter from one directions management that I was going to be there new guitarist. I was thrilled I hadn't slept a wink since my audience . My mom cried for three straight hours she hated the idea of me skipping a year of college to go on the tour but she was soon all for it after she realized it was  big learning experience.

The warm water relaxed my strained muscles. My hands were rough and cover in calluses from all the hours on end of practicing guitar. My head ached from the lack of sleep.

My phone started ringing making me come back to reality. How long have I been in here?. I hurried and massaged the soap into my hair then grabbed my razor and shaved off the stubble that covered my legs for the past week. I  turned the water off and wrapped a towel around my body.

"Aubrey" My mom yelled but I ignored her. She has been a little clingy and very protective lately. I know its only because she's  nervous about me  traveling the world. I walked slowly put on a sweatshirt and shorts. I put my hair and a bun. I walked out of the bathroom and saw my best friend standing in the middle of my room.

"Wait" She yelled I winced from the loudness of her voice " What do you think your wearing your meeting one direction you cant just go in a sweatshirt and shorts you have curvy amazing body you need to show it off to the boys make a good first impression maybe you will get laid" She said winking.I rolled my eyes "I'm not worried about getting laid this tour is  " I said " A good learning and musical experience" My friend mocked me with a silly voice. "Every musician gets some on tour do you really want to be the only one that doesn't " She said I signed.

"Its going to be hours of flying cant I be comfortable and I probably won't meant then till are first rehearsal tomorrow  " I whined. She didn't pay the slightest attention to what I was saying. She was ripping through my closet throwing all my clothes on the floor in a pile.

"Here " She yelled throwing a pile of clothes at me. "Why so many " I asked she flew her head back laughing. She walked over to my suitcase "Because I know you " She said pouring all my clothes out. She grabbed all but one outfit out of my hands and stuffed then rest in my suitcase. I looked down and saw a crop top and a pair of leggings.

I took my clothes off and slowly put the new ones on. I looked in the mirror and it showed my curves perfectly. "Wow " I said. "Wow indeed " Sasha said.

"Aubrey your going to be late" My mom yelled I grabbed a pair of combat boots and squeezed them on then ran down the stairs with Sasha on my heels. My mom stood there holding pop tarts I grabbed one and ran out. I could hear her cursing my outfit and I don't blame her it was really inappropriate.

I jumped in the car and turned the radio on. My mom got in and started to the airport. "I'm still worried  about  you going " She said gripping the stirring wheel. "She's going to be just fine Mrs. James " Sasha said. My mom shook her head I'm still not sure" She said I groaned.

"Mom I'm a adult I can take care of myself " I said she nodded and her eyes got watery "Your my baby and your leaving me its hard " She said. I put my hand on her shoulder.

"Mom I'm only going to be gone for a year" I said she nodded and wiped her eyes. "I know your growing up I just have to learn to expect it" She said then gave me the smallest smile I have ever seen making my heart break just a little.

I hated seeing her like this. The last time she was like this was after dad abandoned us. She pulled into the airport and I jumped out and grabbed my bags. We walked in and it was packed with people. I swallowed hard and walked over and tried to look though the crowd for the manager. I stopped him and ran over to him elbowing people out of my way.

When I finally got to him I noticed he wasn't alone. Next to him were the boys. They looked me up and down surprised. Niall whispered something to Harry which earned him a slap on the arm.

Niall pov:

I looked her up and down she was beautiful. I leaned over to harry and whispered "She fit". He slapped my arm bringing a stinging pain to it. I rubbed my arm. I heard her start laughing her laugh was flawless. Her hair was in a perfect messy bun. I walked over and engulfed her in a hug. "Hi I'm Niall I'll be sitting by you " I said she smiled "I'm Aubrey" She said.

"What a beautiful name " I said making her cheeks go red. "Well we better get on the plane" Paul said.


the searching was so stupid. I fought with the security guard for ten minutes trying to get him to let me bring food. I looked over and saw Aubrey looking out the plane window. "Cool isn't it " I said she nodded. "So what does the famous Aubrey do other then play guitar" I asked she giggled and turned to looked at me.

"Well I draw and dance a little " She said I nod "Those are cool " I said she laughed a quick laugh then shrugged down in her chair. " Is something wrong? " I asked. She signed and sat up "I'm just a little nervous " She said so soft I could barely hear her.

"Don't worry your safe with me " I said grabbing her hand making her smile


I hope you enjoyed sorry if it was bad please no hate. There is a picture of Aubrey on the side

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2014 ⏰

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