Ticci Toby

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Toby is a hyper-active soul always ready to jump up and do just about anything. He often goes through spells were he is down and doesnt want to do anything though he quickly recovers from these.
Oddly when giving toby any kind of sugar it doesnt increase his hyper-activity by much if at all, laughing jack seems to love this about toby and constantly leaves candy around his room.

Toby loves to pester people, going through great lengths to do so, everyone knows not to ignore toby or he'll continue to do even worse then simply poking or tapping people. One instance of jeffrey was toby shoved him almost straight into a fire place, ever since then jeff avoids the living room when ever tobys in it.

I will be adding more here just look for updates im redoing most of these so yeah!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2017 ⏰

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