Tag, You're It

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              Looking at me through your window, boy you had your eye out for a little,

               The Italian male sighed as he walked down the street, adjusting the chequed scarf around his neck-he had been completely bored to tears in his home and had nipped out for a walk.
              A car pulled up beside him suddenly, its speed reducing quickly. Lovino jumped back, thinking that something bad was going to happen to him through the car, and upon closer inspection he realised what the car make was and who was in the car, despite the windows tinted black. The only reason he knew was the registration plate.
           "I'll cut you up and make you dinner, you've reached the end, you are the winner,"
Rolling down your tinted window, driving next to me real slow, he said "Let me take you for a joyride, I've got some candy for you inside~"
             The window rolled down to reveal a pair of shockingly bright green eyes, a mess of curly chocolate brown hair, tan skin, and lips curled up in a smirk.
"Hola, Lovino!" The male said, his cheery front up as usual, masking the true intent in his mind. His Spanish accent would usually make women's legs jelly and their hearts melt, but the Italian was used to Antonio's voice, it didn't impact him the way it did before.
"Bastardo! You almost gave me a heart attack!" Lovino yelled, hands balled into fists, walking up to the car and groaning quietly. In the passenger seat beside Antonio sat the white haired Prussian male, Gilbert, and leaning in from the back seat was the blonde Frenchman, Francis. "What are you idiots doing here anyways, aren't you meant to be attending some meeting with my brother?" He asked, pocketing his hands in his denims.
"Well, I'm not needed there apparently, so I'm dropping these two off at the meeting point and was planning on coming back to get you at your place for a surprise, but I see now that I didn't have to drive to yours. Why don't you hop in the back, Roma, and we can head to a bar or something?" Antonio asked. Lovino contemplated it for a few minutes before shrugging and got into the car sitting in the back next to the Frenchman.
"Any funny business with any of you and call the cops, alright?" He threatened. All three nodded and looked away, eyes beginning to glow slightly, Lovino completely oblivious to this as he sat and looked out of the window. The Spaniard drove off, and the smirk turned sly as he did so. He went to the meeting place for the nations and dropped off Francis and Gilbert, letting Lovino sit in the front beside him. He then pulled off, going towards the male's house. "Oi, what're you playing at?" Lovino asked, looking to Antonio from the corner of his eye. Antonio grinned.
"You'll see, Lovi," He purred. He then took the male back to his house, and got out. Lovno quickly followed after him-his friend was acting strange.
"Oi, Antonio!" He snapped. The Spaniard looked towards the Italian with a seductive grin.
"I already told you, you'll find out," He said, going up to Lovino and taking hold of his hand, placing a kiss on the back of it. "Mi amor~" The way the taller man said it made Lovino blush hard, and he began to murmur under his breath as he went up to the door, unlocking it and opening it, walking inside and placing the keys in the bowl that sat on the shelf as he did so, discarding his shoes beside the shoe rack. He turned to his Spanish boyfriend and frowned:- Antonio still stood outside the door.
"Stop hovering around out there and get in here then, bastard," He said, taking off his scarf and draping it around the coat hook that his jacket was hung around. Antonio walked in and as the Italian male walked into the kitchen, locked the door quickly and quietly. "So, do you want a drink or something?" Lovino called through. Antonio cast a dark smile towards the kitchen and nodded.
"That would be so kind of you, Roma," He said, sauntering as quietly as he could into the kitchen, and as he wound his arms around his boyfriend's waist, Lovino jumped.
"Sweet Jesus!" He yelped, and blushed hard as Antonio began to kiss at his neck, knowing exactly where to kiss to get the smaller to melt. Lovino's curl had grew into the ragged shape of a heart and eyes had become half lidded as the Spaniard began to work his skin with butterfly kisses, and just as his eyes were about to fully close, a sharp object scraped like a cold breath against his skin, making the male alert once more. "Antonio, let me go!" He yelled, struggling slightly, and the Spaniard complied, after all, it would make his game more fun if there was a chase. Lovino backed away from the male upon seeing fangs where his canines should've been. His eyes were now a much more vivid green than before, and a dark grin had spread across Antonio's features. Lovino began to run around the house, trashing the place as he went practically, trying to keep distance from the Spaniard and himself, who was simply standing there, chuckling at the fear that had shone in the Italian's eyes.
                     Running through the parking lot, he chased me and he wouldn't stop, tag you're it, tag tag you're it, grabbed my hand, pushed me down, took the words right out my mouth, tag, you're it, tag tag you're it,
"Run run run, my prey, but you can't outrun me," He purred, running after the male with inhuman speed. He caught up to the male, who had been running to his room and had just made it, trying to shut the door but instead ending up pinned to the door by Antonio, arms pinned up by his head, the taller male's knee between his legs. Antonio laughed and leaned down to the male's neck. "I can't wait to sample you~" He purred, and sunk his fangs into Lovino's neck.
                  Can anybody hear me? I'm hidden underground, Can anybody hear me? Am I talking to myself? Saying 'tag, you're it, tag tag you're it,' He's saying "Tag, you're it, tag tag you're it~!"
Lovino screamed as a searing pain spread through the male's being from his neck, struggling harshly, and his screams worsened when Antonio began drawing out his saccharine life force, begging for him to stop. Antonio pulled back, panting slightly. Lovino's blood trickled down from the corner of his lips and he looked into the male's eyes for a moment, long enough to see the fear and anger burning in his irises.
"More~" He said huskily, biting down again, hearing the male scream once again. Truth be told, it hurt Antonio to hear Lovino scream, but it came with what he was doing.
                    Little bit of poison in me, I can taste your skin in my teeth, "I love it when I hear you breathing, I hope to God you're never leaving,"
The Spaniard pulled his fangs from the male's skin and tore open the skin of his wrist. He then moved Lovino's weakened form over to the bed, placing him down as gently as he could, h then placed his bleeding wrist to the male's lips, force-feeding him his blood. He then continued to drain the whimpering male and stopped when he no longer heard a heartbeat. He vowed to sit by the male's bed until he awoke and so that's what he did, sat by the Italian's bed and waited. He was sleepy, and before he fell asleep on the male's bed, he whispered "Tag, you're it,". 

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