Fangirl Crew.

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This will have some content of Piper's story [were doing a collab] so I'm not copying stfu


NatalieSmut- started the video chat

Natalie: HEY GUYS! Please ignore my username...

Piper: What is smut...

Aphrodite: Baby girl, smut is um...

Ares: Isn't that the stuff me and you make when we-

Aphrodite: Ares, shut up.

Piper: What's going on um..

AresGetsHead and AphroditeSexinInMyHotelRoomIBeSoLoud have left the chat

Natalie: She changed her name.

Piper: I feel like throwing up...

Bianca: -looks down at my phone-

Natalie: Texting Leo?

Piper: Their so cute omg.

Bianca: -looks up- No, Leo and me haven't texted in awhile. I'm on Facebook.


Natalie: All she said was Facebook-


Bianca: Dad I said Facebook. What made you think I said fuckbook.

HadesGoingIn left the video chat

Piper: What's happening.

Bianca: I don't know, but have you seen Nico's status update on Facebook?

Ana: Guys -gasps- I just saw Nico's status update.

Natalie: Okay? What's going on..

Piper: -reads out loud- I'm finally ready to start dating after 5 years. I'm tired of being alone and I need someone to fuccccccck.

Bianca: I'm talking to him nOW

Natalie: -reads second half- Oops sorry i meant looooove

Bianca: Oh oh good.

Ana: Now I'm disappointed.

Bianca: Why?

Hephaestus: If you ever have sex at fifteen Ana I will staple you to your bed and build a holding cage so powerful not even the gods themselves could get you out.

Mchorny has left the video chat

Bianca: Well than....

Bianca- has ended the video chat

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