Chapter 3 - Lost Foxy

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Freddy:That was really fun!
Chica:Where's Bonnie And Foxy?
Freddy:Yea where are they..
Bonnie:Hey Ya Guys!!! Me and Foxy Found a Newspaper!
Foxy:Yea we found it stuffed in all kinds of stuff in front of 7/11
Freddy:We could leave these perimeters?
Bonnie:Yea seems like it!
Chica:Sounds Awesome
Foxy:Well am gonna go search for more! Maybe we'll find money?
Bonnie:Okay don't get lost foxy
Freddy:Well How bout we have a good night sleep until foxy gets back?
Chica: yea
4 hours later

Freddy: Oh wow why are you yelling?
Bonnie:Freddy Chica I can't find foxy?!?

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