Chapter 1

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Dingggg Dongggg!
Dingggg Dongggg!

"Coming!" There was a pitter patter of feet and then the door was flung open by Jack.
Mark grinned and pulled Jack into a massive bear hug.
"Come 'ere LADDY!" Mark said, imitating an Irish accent, whilst ruffling Jack's hair.
Jack pulled out of the hug, and grabbed Mark's hand, dragging him in.
"So here's the hallway, and here's the lounge room, and here's my bedroom, and here's the bathroom, and here's the kitchen, and here's the room we're all sleeping in!"
Jack turned to Mark, nervously, waiting for his reaction.
"It's not the most glamorous place, I mean, it's not like the place you have, with spare bedrooms and bathrooms and stuff, but it's the best I could do..."
Mark turned and looked Jack straight in the eyes.
"This is one of the best places I've ever seen."
Jack's face turned pink.

Dingggg Dongggg!
Dingggg Dongggg!

"That'll be Felix!" Jack sprinted out of the room, ready to welcome his final guests to his home. His excited words of welcome could be heard from the sleeping area.
"Come in! Come in! Everyone is here!"
Bob turned around from pumping up his air mattress to see Mark raiding the food supplies.
"Mark! How much have you eaten?!"
"Mofing!" Mark exclaimed, spewing out a mouthful of soggy Cheezles™️ as shifted his foot to hide the plastic packet wrap.
"Mark! If you keep eating the rations, there won't be any left for a midnight feast!" Frowned Wade.
At this point, Jack came bouncing into the room, followed by Felix and Marzia.
"Here they are! Yay! Now EVERYONE is here!"
Felix popped a party popper, yelling
Marzia dropped down her bags and ran to Signe and Amy
"Hey!" Marzia squealed in her high voice "I haven't seen you in AGES!"
The three girls jumped up and down, hugging and kissing and squealing.
Felix joined in. "AHHHH SO HAPPI"
Wade rolled his eyes.
"Idiot." he muttered.
"Now now, its pronounced Wade. Not idiot." Jack cracked up laughing.
"Seriously Jack? That was the worst burn EVER!"
Mark started laughing at the look on Wade's face, which set everyone else off.

Later that evening

"Alright guys! We have 3 options of what to do! We can play Mafia, watch a movie, or play World of Warcraft!"


"Ok, let's have a vote." Jack settled himself up on his knees importantly "Whoever votes for Warcraft, raise your hand now."
*Mark and Wade their hands*
"Whoever votes for watching a movie, raise your hand."
*Amy and Signe raise their hands, giggling*
"And whoever votes for Mafia raise your hand!"
*Felix, Marzia, Bob and Jack raise their hands*
"So that means Mafia wins! Does anyone not know how to play?"

(If you don't, go back to the prologue or message me)

"Nah we've all played before, it's all g buddyyy" Mark grinned at Jack, who shyly smiled back.
Wade and Bob shared a knowing look.

There was a silence, in which Jack and Mark were still looking into each other's eyes...
Wade coughed "Ahem"
"Oh ah yeah um where was I? Oh that's right, let me go get the cards I'll um be back" and Jack hurried out of the room.
"Shut up." Mark muttered, rubbing his head, looking confused.

Wade grinned.

"Here we are!"  Jack grinned as he held out the cards to each person. "And Mark..." Jack's eyes flicked up and met Mark's. "Yours is the last one..." Mark's fingers brushed against Jack's as he took the card.
"Wait...we still need a narrator...bahaha I must have counted wrong ahaha!" Jack laughed.
"Oh well. Hang on..umm..."
Bob interjected. "How about we reshuffle and I'll be there narrator if you want?"
"Oh ok! So we should take out the...jester?"
(I included the jester card in the intro because i counted wrong bahaha then I realised and so now I've had to take it out...yeah anyway)
"Sounds good. Now can we PLAY already?!" Felix moaned

"Alrighty then, let's get started..."

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