Life Without Jack

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Alex was lying on his hospital bed, trying to sleep, when Mrs. Jones walked into the white room.

"Hello, Alex. How have you been?"

"As fine as I could be."

"I have come to tell you that we have made a decision on where you will be staying."

"Joy," Alex says sarcastically.

"Yes, yes, very fun. You will be staying at Brecon Beacons for a period of time following your discharge," the stately woman said. "It's for your protection. We have captured many of the Scorpia members since Egypt, but there are still very, very, many people who wish to see you dead, even apart from them."

"I know. But Brecon Beacons? I'm pretty sure there are people who want to kill me there, too."

Mrs. Jones sighs, "We don't have much of a choice. We want you safe, especially after everything we've put you through. You'll have modified training for a short while to get you warmed up, and then you'll be right into a normal training with the SAS men."

"Will I be staying with K-Unit again?" Alex asks.

"That's up to the Sargent," Mrs. Jones says, standing up. "Well, that's all I have to tell you."

"Will I be able to attend Jack's funeral?" Alex asks, looking up.

"Of course," Mrs. Jones's voice took on a lighter tone. "It will be held shortly after your discharge, and we'll fly you to America."

Flying brought back bad memories. Alex had never been scared of flying before, even after Eagle Strike, so what was wrong with him?

Even so, he was grateful. "Thank you," Alex says.

"I'll be leaving now, alright?"

"Yes. Goodbye."

Mrs. Jones left the room, and shut the door.

Alex sighed. He had never been quite so tense his entire life.



The sleek, black Mercedes pulled up on the curb outside of the hospital building Alex had been staying at for the past two weeks.

Alex was fully equipped and ready to go, with a sports bag over his shoulder filled with clothes, pictures, and an indestructible iPod (a farewell gift from Smithers).

"Are you Alex Rider?" asked the driver, rolling the window down and leaning over the passenger seat.

"The one and only," Alex said, handing the man his student ID.

"I'd bet there are thousands of Alex Rider's over the world, but yes, you are the one I want." the driver replied sarcastically.

"Well, it'd be quite the disaster if I was an imposter, wouldn't it?" Alex said, opening the door, and slipping into the passenger seat.

"Oh yes. I'd get fired. I don't know about MI6, but it'd surely be a disaster for me," the driver sighed. "Well, at any rate, it's a long ride to the airport. Do you want any music?"

"Do you have any John Lennon CD's?"



The funeral had been boring and depressing. All Alex wanted was to go home, lay down, and wake up in Jack's cell. For him to be the one going through the window and into the car, for him to die a fiery death instead of Jack. Or better yet, to tell her not to go on the mission with him at all. Or at least to tell her to not fall for the trap.

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