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"I want him to wake up." I sobbed. Tara walked up behind me and picked me up. "He'll wake up Stef, I promise." She told me.

Your fucking promise isn't gonna make me feel any better.

I thought. I wanted to say it out loud but I didn't want to be rude. "Okay." I whispered. "Can you leave? I want to.. talk to Taylor."

She nodded, "I need a cigarette anyway." And with that she walked outside.

I sighed and turned to Taylor. I gently grabbed his hand. "I know you can't hear me but I-" Taylor's doctor walked in.

I stopped talking and froze. "Ma'am, it's time to go." He said. "Already?" I asked. "Yes, please exit through the doors you entered."

"Are you trying to "dismiss" me?" I questioned, raising my eyebrow. "No not at all but I-" I cut him off. "I don't know who think you're talking to but you seriously need to rethink your words if you think you're talking to me."

This almost led to something bad but I controlled myself and left once Tara came back.

"Stef what is wrong with you? You can't just go around attacking people." I rolled my eyes. "He was being rude." She stopped walking and gave me a 'are you serious?!' glare.

I shrugged, "he was."
"What's for dinner?" I asked Natali. "Lasagna." She answered quietly. I nodded and looked over to Fernando, Natali's husband, who sat on the couch awkwardly while their kids jumped all over the place.

"Seeing how your kids act make me not want to have a child." Natali chuckled. "You'll be fine Stefani."

"Ow! Stop throwing your stupid Barbies at me!" Noah yelled. "Then stop hitting me with your stupid pillow!" Penelope yelled back.

"No!" Noah hit her with the pillow again and she screamed. She fell but she quickly got up and they started fighting. "Uh yeah, I'm not having more than one child." I mumbled.

"But I thought you wanted a soccer team?" Natali asked. "I did but not if I have to deal with constant screaming and fighting." I said.

"Stef they're siblings, one minute they're gonna hate each other the next minute they're gonna love each other. That's how it works."

"Mhm." I hummed.
"Noah." Natali yelled. Moments later Noah came running in the kitchen nearly slipping on the hard wood floor. "Yes momma?" He said out of breath.

"Stop running in the house!" She scolded. "Sorry!" She sighed then said, "Go get your sister, dinner is ready." She told him. "Okay."


Everything was black. I could see anything but black. Every once in a while I could see blue and red but everything was mostly black.

I heard voices, some I loved and some I hated. The one voice I wanted to hear the most was Stefani's. I know she was here today, I felt her soft touch and I heard her sweet, soothing voice.

I also heard Dani's voice once and it sickened me. I hate hearing her voice, I hate seeing her face. I hate thinking about her but I can't get her out of my head!

She's always on my mind whether it's good or bad. The text messages, the calls, the visits, everything is on my mind and it hurts.

It hurts me to think about her when I already have an amazing lover who loves and cares about me, something Dani doesn't.

After leaving the airport I decided to walk home. I could've called a cab but it was such a beautiful day outside I couldn't resist.

Vroom vroom

I turned my head and saw a car speeding up, I figured they were just trying to get through the yellow light so I shrugged it off. But sadly, that wasn't the case.

I continued to walk down the street but I noticed the car was following me. It was a bit intimidating but I brushed it off. Once I stepped foot on the road it sped up and hit me.

Before I saw black I saw a face, a familiar face.. Dani's face.


I haven't updated in forever, sorry.

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