Yip,Yip all bark and no bite you little kit!You think your all this when really you arent!Poor thing did you hit your head?You think you beat me,thats farther from the truth!Kittypet please stop,you trying to beat me is just to pitiful!Now i dont have time to waste on lost causes i obviously won,so now this rap battle is over!*Slams door*
This is a pretty basic ending but perfect for beginning and intermediate this is a phrase i use very often!I hope this step by step guide helps!
This doesnt rhyme as well since this is a more beginnner one but the next one i will do will rhyme and be longer :)
See you in the next book!
How To Warrior Cat Rap Battle
RandomA step by step guide to warrior cat rap battling!Perfect for roleplays and warrior aminos. Soon be the winner of every rap battle!