Hiroto's Confession

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Subaru' POV

Yume and I just finished our duet and it was really good, I think. As I was exiting the stage I saw a dark figure. When they came into the light I saw it was Hiroto.
"Just so you've know, I've won," he said
"Won what?" I asked
"Yume's heart," he replied
"How to you know?" I inquired
"It's obvious it's not you and everyone else she's just friendly too, so it's me, I've had her heart since we were kids," he informed me.
We started,arguing after that.

Yume's POV

Woohoo it's summer break next week! Oh wait what am I thinking the S4 section for dance class is tomorrow. I have to focus on my Aikatsu because four days after is the song class section. You know what I'm gunna go out for a jog.


"Yume! Yume! YUME!" Laura screams
"I wonder what goes on in her head?" Mahiru wonders
"She's pulling her weird thinking face," Ako states
"Ok on three say Yume, 1 2 3..." Laura began
"YUME!" They all yelled.
"Ehh what!" I say in surprise.
"You were standing there like a dummy," Ako told her
"Oh whoops, well I'm going out for a run wanna come?" I asked
"That gets me going!" Laura replied
"Ahhhhh!" Mahiru chopped her tiles
"Why not I have nothing better to do with my time," Ako shrugged.
We agree to meet at the cherry tree in 5 minutes . I run to my dorm.
"Oh hey Hiroto what's up?" I ask him. For some reason he was standing in my room.
"Hi Yume do I need to tell you something can we go some where private!" He questions
"Sorry I can't now meeting up the girls in a minute, speaking of I'm gunna get changed so can you get out?" I reject him.
"S..s...s...Sure!" He stutters, his face goes red and his eyes wide.

Time skip because I want to get to the juicy bit. 😏😏 lol not really I'm just lazy

Hiroto asked to meet up here so where is he?
"Yume!" I turn around there he is
"I need to tell you something! I... I... i. Like. You!" Hiroto steps toward me
"Hiroto.... I . I'm so sorry but I.. I don't really like any one because with the S4 selections coming up I just want to focus on my Aikatsu!" I reply


Subaru's POV

I hid in the bushes. I don't trust the guy but when Yume rejected him I had to leave in case I was caught from laughing.
"Subaru what's so funny?" Asahi asked
"Well you know Hiroto well he confessed to Yume and she rejected him because she wants to focus in her Aikatsu and she doesn't like any one!" I nearly fell off my bed in laughter.
"What!" Asahi, Nozomu and Kanata yell
"Subaru that isn't funny it means she doesn't like you!" Kanata told me
"I told you I don't like Yume!" I yell
"Then why were you spying on them?" Nozomu teased
"Not you too, I just don't trust the guy is all!" I tell them
"Sure!" They all say at the same time.
"You guys!" I got mad and chase them round the room.

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