Chapter 16

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*Ginny's POV*
GOOD MORNING! What a fresh start, my brother yelling.
"WAKE UP!", yelled Ron and knocked my door harshly.
"I AM UP, YOU ASSHOLE!", I yelled back and he stopped.
I groaned and thew a pillow. After my daily routine, I walked down and saw something I was scared of.
I saw Harry, surrounded by my family, my brothers asking questions.
"H-hello, G-ginn-y.", said Ron.
"What was that?", I heard a women, Harry's mom?
"Hello, Mrs. Potter.", I said and turned towards my brothers. "I will talk to you all later!"
"They were not causing trouble.", said Fleur in a very french way, with a smile. "I was monitoring them."
I smiled. "That's good, I hope my warnings worked?"
"It did.", said Fleur.
"Warnings?", asked Mrs. Potter.
"Our precious--", said Fred.
"--innocent--", continued George.
"I AM NOT LITTLE!", I said and everyone turned to me. "I asked them to not to bother anyone."
"She means Harry.", said Ron. Harry chuckled and I glared at Ron.
"Yes, I meant Harry. Ron, weren't you the one i--"
"Leave, Ginevra."
"Mom, don--"
"Okay, breakfast, everyone?", said Mom and my brothers followed her to the kitchen.
I was left with Mrs. Potter & Harry.
"Good morning, you two.", I said and sighed.
"Good morning, Ginny.", said Mrs. Potter.
"You had breakfast, Mrs. Potter?", I asked.
"Call me Lily and yes, I did.", she said and smiled.

Entered Draco Malfoy.
"Morning.", he said cheerfully.
"Morning, Malfoy.", said Harry and grinned.
"Good morning, Draco.", said Mrs. Potter.
"And what about you?", Draco asked me.
"Oh, mind your business, Draco! Get into the backyard and start, I'll clean the pool--"
"You mean you'll ask your helpers to clean the pool.", Draco piped in.
"--whatever, I've few people waiting for you. You received the list?", I asked and he nodded. "Good, start working."
"Ask about the breakfast!", he said.
"I'll go and eat, thanks.", I said and rolled my eyes.
"Come on, Draco, don't annoy her, she had a bad morning.", said Mrs. Po--Lily and Draco with asked her for help, and they both left.
"Good morning.", Harry said and hugged me. "You are having a really bad morning, huh?"
"Not really, I just asked my brothers to not to bother you but they, argh!", I said and broke the hug.
"They were just being protective--"
"Over protective", I corrected.
"No, Gin. If I had a beautiful sister like you, trust me, I would have done something worst after seeing her boyfriend. Jesus Christ, I am more protective over Teddy!", he said and I chuckled.
"Now, that's my girl.", he said and kissed my forehead. "Smile and eat, sweetie."
"Thank you.", I said and hugged him.

He went to the backward to help Draco. And I went to have my breakfast. After the food, I marched to the backward of my house to see the things. It was scorching hot.
"How is it?", I asked Draco.
"Good.", he said.
"Draco, we can not have an event during the day.", I said. I've been out for less than a minute and I am already sweating.
"Hmm, 7 PM will be fine?", he asked.
"Yeah, it will work.", I said. "We can have special decorations for night."
"Like?", he asked.
"Like, fairy lights?", I suggested.
He nodded and said, "That will look beautiful, we can cover the trees with them."
"Perfect!", I exclaimed. "We can have a deck over there and we can set some karaoke?"
"Karaoke, it is. I was also planning on calling some famous band.", he said.
"That will just increase the expense. We can call some local singer, you remember Amber?", I asked.
"The bleached blonde from your year?", he asked.
"Yeah. And don't call her 'bleached blonde' because, you, yourself are a 'bleached blonde'.", I said. "Anyway, I was saying that she plays and sings. We have a piano in here, she can play in background."
"Great.", he said with a grin. "Now, food?"
"Let's just leave it on our mothers.", I said and he chuckled.
Singer, you will call
Decoration, I will order
Karaoke, I have one
Piano, you have one
Food, mothers will do it
Now, umm, guest list?", he asked.
"Let's sit and draft one.", I said.
"Cool. Let me ask someone to bring and install the karaoke and tell them about the decorations and then we will start.", he said.
"Good.", I said and left.

I asked the helpers to shift the piano and ranged Amber.
"Hello?", said Amber.
"Amber! Hello, its me!", I said.
"Ginny? Jesus Christ, how are you?", she asked.
"Oh, I am just fine. I need your help.", I said.
"Yah, say?", she asked.
"Amber, we are having a charity event for the hospital and we were thinking to have you for the music?", I asked.
"I will be there.", she said.
"Really? That will be great. How much will it cost?", I asked.
"Not a single penny. You said it is for charity and I am coming for charity.", she said and I grinned.
"Amber, you rock! I will tell the day and date by tomorrow, thank you so much!", I said.
"No problem! Love ya.", she said.
"Love you too.", I said and disconnected the phone.

"And no one loves me.", said a voice behind me which caused me to jump. It caused me to fall and shut my eyes tight, prepared for falling, but I didn't. Instead, a strong pair of arms held me. I slowly opened my eyes to see nothing but beautiful green eyes.
"You scared me to death, Potter.", I said as I wiggled out of his grip.
"Don't you think I just saw that?", he said and chuckled.
"Huh.", I said and started walking. He grabbed my hand and pinned me on the wall.
"Let go.", I said.
"Why?", he asked.
"Harry, not again. Leave me.", I said and he chuckled.
"You are working too much, Gin. Just rest for a minute.", he said.
"I just have to write down the guest list with Draco, rest everything is sorted.", I assured him.
"Girly, you know you skipped the lunch?", he asked. Skipped the lunch? What?
"I did?", I asked.
"Gin, you did. Come on, make the list then we will go and eat.", he said.
"You ate right?", I asked.
"I was waiting for my ever late girlfriend.", he said.
"Harry, I am so so so sorry! You go and wait in my room, order some food and I'll be there in a minute.", I said.
"I was planning to go out, but bedroom will be perfect.", he said with a grin.
"You are not getting anything but food.", I said and he faked a pout.
"I deserve something sweet.", he said, continuing his fake pout.
"Stop pouting.", I said and kissed his lips and his pout turned into a smile. "Wait for a minute and I'll tell Draco."
He nodded and left.

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