Chapter 1

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"Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud"
-Maya Angelou. 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈

*beep beep*
Rolling over I slam my hand on the red alarm clock (temporary until i get my phone fixed).
  I slide the covers off, stumbling  to the bathroom.
   I turn the nob slightly left to heat the water.
    Stripping, I let my gown fall, taking my time so the water will be some what mediocre warm.
   The water runs down my back like needles and the shampoo like a layer of moss.
   After rinsing, I dry off, squeezing into some typically tight jeans and a Purple Heart tanktop.
I apply a light red shade of lipgloss on and throw my hair up in a ponytail.

"Maxine !Bus!" I hear the eagerly rush in Max's voice as if he's rushing himself.

"Hold on!" I slip on my UGS and a denim jacket to match my jeans.

Running as slowly as I could down the stairs, I stop by the kitchen and snatch up a pop tart off the ugly marbled counter.
I meet Max at the front door, him holding out my Starbucks Mug with a VANILLA mocha.
"Thank you." I grin as he attempts to mess up my hair yet I duck.
The bus swerved around and stoped at our house.
Max walks on, the girls starring at his white shirt and black jeans, even his black hat (that he always puts backwards).
I roll my eyes and set next to my Crush, the senior.

  "Hey cutie." His flashy grin, dimples, cute.
   "Hey, Josh. Gonna pass that test? You can't fail this year. Nope!" I shake my head.
   "Why's that?" He leans forward to me, our lips mere inches apart.
  "Because, I care about you and want you to have a successful life."
  "Ok, why does it matter so much?" After that, it's just silence until The bus stops at our high school and we all get off.
  Max separates, probably off with that girl Lanney.
   L is this freshman who has the hots for Max, he acts like he thinks they are just friends but they seem like more. I'm just paranoid, I care about him.
  Just that typical day where I set around, worrying about who's virginity my brothers gonna take this day to the next.
   (But, little did I know, itd be my last day being so TYPICAL)

"Maxine Green...."
"Here." My boredom takes over as our first period English teacher goes over the roll.
"Max Green."
"Here." Max says from the back of the class, next to L.
L is a freshman but she is apparently "special" so lucky her! She gets classes with the Seniors!(insert eye roll)
"Josh Hamilton!"
"Hey. Right here." Josh raises his hand, looking at me for just a quick second, a little distracted.
  The stupid teacher continues the role and then tells us that we are just taking NOTES out of the books while she gets coffee in the teacher lounge just so she can talk to Mr. hot stuff......our new Math teacher.
   *sigh* Mr.MathTeacher Has this affect on the English teacher. She for once looks pretty descent. The sad thing is, he doesn't seem to care, he just comes to work and goes back home....pretty sure he ain't married though.

"Class! Behave or detention after school for 3 hours!" She yells, slamming the door as she walks out.
Little harsh are we?

" Yo!" Josh whisper Yells.
I turn my head.
He looks at his lap. "Wanna come sit with me?"
Josh...Josh Hamilton wants ME to sit in HIS lap?

"Ok...." I get up, sort of crouching as if the teacher could be outside the door, ready to burst in at any second.

"I can't figure out this word...." He points to a word in the book.
"That? It's Saxicolous." I laugh.
"What?" His eyes go wide and he looks confused, but I think it's kind of fake.....I don't really care, I just like spending time with him. He is a smart ass Mother fucker.
"It's..." I laugh air. "It's something that is living or growing on or among rocks. It actually originated in late 19th century: from modern Latin saxicolus (Saxum, meaning 'rock' + Colere 'inhabit')+ ine ^1"
"Here." I write it in his notes. I could get used to this, US. Graduation, jobs, trips to Italy!. Did I just say that out loud?! Thank god.

The rest of class is basically people talking and me helping Josh while I'm pretty sure his "little" friend was going wild.(😜)

The bell rings and we race out like cattle when they see a lion or something.

"Maxine!" I hear Max calling for me.
"Yo!" I turn around to see him right in front of me. "Jesus! Stop scarring me! Even just your face are my nightmares."
"Aw, thanks. I got track this afternoon. Just wanted to let you know. Since, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't be worried if I didn't come home."
I nod, agreeing.
"Ok. Have to go." We depart as I know I'll see him later.
(Like I'd even want to though....)

My day goes by in a blur. Untilllllllll.....Mr. Jones' Class.

"Ok!" He yells, harshly. I can see why The English teacher likes him.
"Give me one word you don't typically use and define it! Everyone!" He points to Josh and he freezes.
   He should use that word I taught him.
  "Penultimate......" Josh looks at Mr. Jones. "As in second to last. Like....LOSERRRR!"
  "That's a step up Josh." I give him thumbs up as he ignores Mr. Jones' comment.
    "Max!" My older brother who is actually older by a year. Being born In 2023 at 11:58 PM and me at 12:02 AM In 2024, looks at our stupid Math teacher.
  "Uh....dude. It's another way of saying bro...."
  "I'll take whatever. Maxine, your turn." Trying to think of a word, I find one.
   "Retarded. Brother, Max." Max scoffs, being fake hurt.
   Mr. Jones shakes his head.
I can't wait until this class is over!

  The rest of the class period is silence due to us getting our laptop privileges taken away because someone, *cough* Max *cough*, decided to dumb soda everywhere.
   We make do though by everyone passing notes, texting, and giggling as Mr.Jones sits at his desk. His blonde hair slicked back and the large black circles in his ears where he had gages are covered, Guess once you get them, they can't go away.
   He looks stressed and to be honest, he looks like he is meant for the military. He scares me

  *Poofst* A ball of paper hits the back of my head.
    Slowly turning, I see Max grinning across the room and pick up the paper.
I open the paper and read it.
"Fuck me Josh! Fuck me! Ohhhhhh God! *gag*" I laugh and hide the paper, ashamed a little but there really isn't a need because the bell rings and before I know it, we are on the bus and the dumb note is in the trash.
    So happy, Max is at track while I am still mad and still want to slap him.
( this the last actual happy day we will see each other?)
   Looking out the window at the blue skies and the white clouds.
   "They look like marshmallows." Josh touches my shoulder.
   Yeah.....I grin, laughing a little.

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