Proving yourself

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Hugo Weasley was not just another boy. People would never just pass him in the street completely indifferent. No, he was Hugo Weasley. Which meant that people had to stop and stare everytime they saw him, and - more importantly - his family that stood next to him.

A name wasn't just a name in the wizarding world, espically after a war. Even though it had been roughly 25 years since the war had concluded, everyone still seemed wound up about. Which meant everytime a Weasley or Potter left the house, reporters from the Daily Prophet had to follow them around constantly, leaving them no privacy. When Bill and Fleur took their first daughter, Victoire - who was the oldest of the Weasley family - to get her first wand and school supplies, the newspapers filled their stories with the Weasley name: "Victoire Weasley Begins Her Hogwarts Adventure", "The First of the Weasley Family Buys Her First Wand", and "Bill and Fleur Weasley's Daughter Buys her Hogwarts Supplies - A Promise that this Year at Hogwarts will be an Interesting One." And when Victoire got engaged to Teddy, well, the reporters practically stalked the couple - and still are to this day.

Hugo Weasley thought, while some of the stories were rather pointless and stupid, that the attention was not as bad as all the other family members complained it was. He actually liked the attention that the reporters showered him with - it made him feel like that he wasn't as seperated from the family as he felt he was.

Why would he ever feel that he was seperated from his family, you ask? Well, it has to do with the fact that he was a Hufflepuff. It wasn't that he was the only Hufflepuff of the family - Teddy Lupin and Molly Weasley had both been in the house - but he had always felt that him being in that house was different. Both Teddy and Molly had parents that were in Hufflepuff - both of it being their mothers in that house - but Hugo didn't have any parents that were in Hufflepuff. His parents were both in Gryffindor.

His parents continued to tell him that it didn't make any difference, that they still loved him the same as before. While Hugo wanted to believe them, he knew that he couldn't. How could they possibly be proud of him? He has done nothing for the family name. Rose, his older sister of 2 years, sure has, though. She was sorted into Gryffindor - and, according to Albus, the hat had barely touched her head before it shouted out the house - which made their parents beam with pride enough as it is. But then she went on to please them. She got top marks in her classes, beating Malfoy out so that she was impressing father; she was made a prefect, to the happiness of both their parents as they were both prefects in their schooling years; she was made quidditch captain, making father proud; and just this year she was made Head Girl, which made mother smile so widely.

And what has Hugo done? Nothing. He tried out for quidditch, and didn't even make the bloody team in second year. His grades were barely passing as it was, and that was with his genius sister's help! He believed that there was no way that his parents could possibly be proud of him when he had all of his family members to be compared to.

With Rose, Victoire, and Molly getting top grades; with James, Fred, Roxanne, and Dominique pulling the most legendary pranks that will most likely be remembered for years to come in Hogwarts history; with Lily, Louis, and Lucy being perfectly happy about everything; even with Albus being the only Slytherin in the family and best friends with Scorpius Malfoy, he is still noticed and loved more than Hugo is and ever will be!

Yes, Hugo did like the attention that the Prophet reporters gave him. It made him feel wanted and loved.

Right now though, Hugo was sad that he the attention that he treasured every summer from the reporters was coming to end. It was his first day back from Hogwarts and he already felt invisible. It didn't help that none of his family members were no longer in house, since Molly graduated last year. All Hugo had left of his family members were Lily and Rose in Gryffindor, and Albus in Slytherin.

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